I need help setting up a 450 gallon reef tank


New Member
I am getting a 450 gallon tank (the price was too good to pass). It is 96" x 36" x 30" high. I have done alot of reading but, there is nothing better than the practical experience that most of you have. Here is what I was thinking. I would like to use a deep sand bed (how much sand? live or mostly base seeded with live?) Live rock (how much base vs. live?). I would also like to set up a refugium at the same time (how big will it have to be?). What pump(s) should I use? Etc. etc. You get the idea, Please give me any input you may have. I think I will be picking the tank up in 3-4 weeks.


For the sand, I'd go with 3"-4"....the "live" sand from a LFS is pretty expensive, so factoring that in, I'd use 75% base sand and 25% live sand. Same ratio with the live rock.
So far as a sump/fuge.....I'd go with a 125gal.....I try to go with roughly 25% of the display tank volume when sizing a sump/fuge.
So far as pumps....I'm assuming you mean for water movement in the tank as opposed to the return pump in your sump.....I like the Tunze pumps myself.....they are more expensive but have very low power requirements...I've used them for years and really like them. In a reef tank, you need alot of water movement, so don't undersize the pumps.
Be sure to get a large protein skimmer also. To me, the skimmer is the best equipment you can buy.
Good luck with your tank! I just recently took down both of my 240's and will be getting a 480 within the month (ordered it in mid-December).


Active Member
For main pumps for your application you want to look at the Sequence line of pumps.......I'd have to agree with the sand issue using as much base sand as possible and seeding it with a small amount of LS....You don't need tons of LS to seed the other sand.......
For a CL system you might want to look at the Tunze PH's.......When you need to move large volumes of water Tunze for CL and Sequence for Main flow, and if money isn't an object look at the RedDragon pumps which are the best on the market all around can't be beat, and then there's Sequence.
Are you planning your skimmer to be run externally or submerged? If you have the room run a beckett skimmer....Do you homework first