I need help with my Blue line Grouper


I have a Blue line grouper he is about 2 to 4 inches. He is in a 100 gallon tank. How do I feed him? Are they pickey eaters? The place where I bought him at said that he ate flake food. Well that does not work at all. I tried so frozen food but he did not seem interested. The only thing That I have seen him eat was one or two shrimp pellets. What else should I try to feed him? :confused: Gliuomo@aol.com


Usually groupers love meaty foods. Go to your lfs buy some krill, squid, miysis, or other meaty foods. Chances are he'll give in and eat them. Congrats on your find though.


New Member
Yeah, I have a 4" blue-spotted grouper and I feed him squid, krill, brine, and VHP. They will devour anything meaty. I tried feeding mine flakes once to see if he'd do it and he wouldn't. Mine was fed lousy goldfish at the LFS i got him from but I had no problem getting him to eat frozen. Watch it though, don't feed him too much. Groupers, as well as puffers, don't know when to stop eating. They will literally eat til they explode.


hey groupers dont eat flake maybe occasionaly but they wont live off of it they need meat what is cheap for them because they are pigs is go to your local discount store - bj's cosco whatever is near you and get a bag of shrimp which is pretty cheap and just peel off a piece of shrimp defrost it and toss it in