I need help with my cpr skimmer!



Like the title i need some help. The problem...i can't get it to work lol. i have it opened all the way and its down as far as it can go but still no bubles come out into the collection cup. Please help :D If you need to know anything else just ask!
Looking up,


Active Member
first how old is your tank?
Second the funnel end of he collection cup should only be about 1/8 to 1/4 inch under the water line in the chamber. Us the rubber band thing to adjust.
Third...do you have the line from the rio hooked up right?


Active Member
Are there bubbles in the chamber? If so, and there is just nothing accumulating in the collection cup, this could be for a couple reasons. But well start with the first quesion. Are there bubbles in the left chamber when looking at the back. and are the bubbles so thick that you cant see through the chamber?


tank has been running for about a month now. ok and i think i have it hooked up right.
there are some some bubbles in the left chamber but i can see through it.
What do you think?


Active Member
well, a couple things come to mind. Have you cleaned the rio yet? If not now might be a good time to do so. And whe doing this, there are two small grey plastic elbows on the intake of the pump that are connected to air hoses, ditch em'. they clog with salt creep very quickly and significantly impact performance. Secondly, after that is done, play around with the green valve. start off with it all the way open (Take it completely off) and let it run for a couple minutes. it will be noisy, but only until you put the valve back in. Then, put the valve back in and very gradually begin tightnening the knob until the pitch of the sound changes from the pump. it sounds kinda strange, but you should hear what I am talking about. as soon as you hear it, back it off a touch and you should be all set. This is how I set mine and mine pulls out a decent amount of stuff. Let me know what happens. if this doesnt fix it, there are a couple other things that we can try.


will do! But on a side note the skimmer has only been up since yesterday.


Active Member
Even though it was only set up yesterday, it should still be producing an amount of bubbles that makes it difficult to see through the chamber. However, it will take about a month or so for it to really start pulling crap out of the water. It will pull out some, but nothing amazing. It will take some time to break in. in the mean time, it will probably release bubbles into the tank, but just work with it. It took me about 6 months of fine tuning to FINALLY get this thing working to the point where it was running really well for me.


lol all right. Thanks for all the help. I'll just mess around with it for a while. Its already started to work a little better over night so i think i will give it a few days play with the tuning see what i can get out of it. Thanks again!


hello, I have never done the backpack thing but I would suggest that unless you are doing tank transfer, dont run the skimmer all the time right now. It is possilble to overskim and trust me CPR toys skim great once set up correctly.


Thanks for the info! I'll try not running it all the time...although i don't think i have to worry with it lol. I don't think mine is tuned proporly..still playing with it...but its working better.. Thanks again!


Which elbow are you talking about? If you are talking about the one from the air hose i took that one off from an earlier suggestion...if not please tell me :D lol Thank you!