i need help????????????



i just want to know if some one cant help me with some tips.... i put a maroone in my tank yesterday and my yellow tank is fighing with him and i dont know what i cant do to prevent strees in my maroone if any one cant help


Active Member
Tank size? other fish?
Established yellow tangs are very nasty to just about anything. The aggression should let up in a couple days and the fish should get along fine once the tang is done asserting itself. You need to watch for injury to the maroon clown. You can move the rocks around to throw off the territories, and also leave the lights off for a day or so to let them settle down a bit.
If it's a small tank, it may take longer.


yes is a 29g tank and yellow tang is about 3 to 4 in and that marron is about that same sides and also i have a six line wrass also is call japaness


Active Member
well the tang should be in a different tank, something 6ft long, the maroon will be fine i think (correct me if im wrong)


try to take the new fish out for awhile and keep all the light off and then add the fish while its dark and dont turn light on for the about 4 hr. or do this at night . it works for me with my triggers.

shark bait

You may be able to over come this but the tang will make the entire tank his due to the size. These guys like to do lots of swimming and the clown is just getting in his way. He may calm down, but do not be supprised if this keeps up.


Active Member
Really consider getting rid of the tang. Your tank is simply too small to house this fish, and the cramped quarters will only make it more stressful. Stick with a couple small fish that don't require open swimming space.


my yellow tang and my maroone are getting along and i'm waiting to buy a bigger tank so i can move my yellow tang over to the new tank.
thank you for your advice


Active Member
The maroon clown can take care of itself. It is a very aggressive fish. I wouldn't worry about it but the tang should be in a bigger tank so may be showing exessive aggression.