I need help....


Ok so I have a 29 gallon tank....The fish I have are 1 Virmiculated Angelfish, Percula Clownfish, Hawaiian Spotted Puffer, Jeweled Damsel, and then tommorow Im getting a Orchid Dottyback, Orangeback Basslet, and a Midas Blenny...My inverts are a Marine Hermitcrab, and tommorow Im getting a Orange Linkia Starfish, Lettuce Nudibranch, and Cleaner Clam...and I have some new Shaving Brush plants that I put in a few weeks ago...

Im wanting to get coral so I can have a reef tank...plus I love coral...The light I have in right now is 10,000K...
My question is what can I get with this light and will be able to live with this crazy bunch....

Thanks this will help me out alot.....


first of you have a ton of stuff in there already. im shocked that you have not cause a bio load. however, for your question you need to be more specific. How many watts do you have? Im guessing from you saying that you have 10,000k that you are running PC(power compact) lights. 10,000k only tells at what frequency the lighting is at, not the wattage.


oh sorry...18 watts, 24" 610mm, and the brand is Ocean Sun....on the box it says that Emission spectrum strong in the blue and red regions which supports the photobiological processes of marine algae and fresh-water plants


you pretty much can keep mushrooms and maybe some zoo's....not much....anything else you will need to ugrade your lighting....how long has your tank been up??


3 years this christmas....if I get a 20,000k would that be better...please any extra info would be great thats why Im asking....and thanks for helping...


it's about wattage and intensity....the kelvin(10k or 20k) is just color when the lights are that weak....you need to upgrade to a lighting system that has PC'S (power compacts) or T5's or the very expensive MH'S(metal halides)...your lighting is not powerful enough to support anything other than some low light corals....if you want better corals....bite the bullet and upgrade....i know people are always selling used lighting for cheap....check it out in the classified section....hope i answered some questions....


Originally Posted by jaysonl29
Ok so I have a 29 gallon tank....The fish I have are 1 Virmiculated Angelfish, Percula Clownfish, Hawaiian Spotted Puffer, Jeweled Damsel, and then tommorow Im getting a Orchid Dottyback, Orangeback Basslet, and a Midas Blenny...My inverts are a Marine Hermitcrab, and tommorow Im getting a Orange Linkia Starfish, Lettuce Nudibranch, and Cleaner Clam...and I have some new Shaving Brush plants that I put in a few weeks ago...

Im wanting to get coral so I can have a reef tank...plus I love coral...The light I have in right now is 10,000K...
My question is what can I get with this light and will be able to live with this crazy bunch....

Thanks this will help me out alot.....

You are doing great if you want your tank to crash... Adding all this at once to a tank that already has a high bioload is asking for trouble. The nudi will die if it doesnt have a food source and linkias are very difficult to keep, I personally waited over 2 years to add a linkia to my 300gal.