I need help


New Member
My cousin bought me a butterfly fish but when he gave it to me it was swimming slightly on its side my cousin said that the person at the pet store took a long time to get the fish from the tank and into the bag my question is could the fish have brain damage from being out of watter too long?


Staff member
I'm thinking your cousin meant it took a long time to catch the fish, not that the fish was left out of the water a long time.


New Member
Thanks for the responces the new problem is my larger clown fish will not leave it alone and keeps nipping at it will this stop or will one fish have to go?


Originally Posted by darkgargoyle
Thanks for the responces the new problem is my larger clown fish will not leave it alone and keeps nipping at it will this stop or will one fish have to go?
This is yet another example of why fish need the quarantine tank. Do you have a tank that this fish can go into to be fed by himself without being harassed by your current fish? Clowns are hardly a threat, but they will harass any new fish. I am not picking on you by any means. Do you have a spare tank (qt) that is cycled for this fish to go into?


Active Member
what sized tank and what type of angel are you talking about, do you have a name for it?
how is it doing now? sep is asking about the QT because you really should put new fish into a seperated tank so a new, stressed out fish doesnt get beat on (like is happening now) and so that there's no introduction of diseases (which is possible)


Originally Posted by darkgargoyle
Thanks for the responces the new problem is my larger clown fish will not leave it alone and keeps nipping at it will this stop or will one fish have to go?
Sometimes it helps to rearrange tank so fish lose their territory.