I need help


Well, my tank has been cycling now for 1 week, and all is fine. At least it appears to be. I did a 20% water change on Sat. My levels continue to be high, and partly because of the two shrimp that is rotting in the tank. First question is do I leave those shrimp in longer or remove them on my next water change? should I have done a 50% water change, or do I need to do a 50% water change. Water changes should be done weekly, when can I turn on the protine skimmer? Should the PH's be blowing air bubbles, and I have two in a 55 gal tank, does it matter in what direction I have them turn?How offen should I be testing my levels?? Beleive it or not there are many more questions to be answered, so I will stop right now, and wait for some direction from the pro's . Thank You !!!!!!!!


Well I will try and answer as many of your questions as I can. I have never done water changes during the cycle...it actually slows it down. You need to leave the shrimp in until the cycle is complete. You will get many different opinions on when to use the skimmer but I was always told to not bother with it until you add fish. The powerheads can be adjusted to shoot bubbles...normally they are set to just shoot water. Right now I would suggest testing the water every other day until the cycle is complete. I hope this helps.


thank you, so I shouldnt do water changes until the cycle is done, so how will I know the cycle is done. also I plan on adding 20 more lbs. of LS, because I dont have a 4" sand bed yet. and if Im testing the levels every other day what Im I testing for if I no that they are going to be high durning cyclying? please excuss me but I dont no and the only way to learn is to ask question thank you for your help.


Well, I'm far from a pro, but here goes...the powerheads should be directed at any "dead spots" in the tank...aka, places of low current. Also, you should try to aim them at the live rock, if you have any in your tank. As for the testing levels, when your ammonia is zero, and nitrates are zero, you have finished your cycle. Usually takes about a month. I think you can take the shrimp out now that the ammonia has spiked, but I'd wait for confirmation on that one. But once the Ammonia and Nitrites=O, then you've completed the cycle. And don't do anymore water changes. You're only slowing the process down. Hope that helps.


Active Member
All of the above. Water changes at this point are counter productive. You want to give the bacteria a chance to do their thing. At this point, just have good water circulation and it's a good time to experiment with that. With no animals to worry about stressing you can play with your power heads and rock work and see where you can have high flow and low flow areas. Also, if you're going to add more sand now would be a better time.
Good Luck!


Another thing, about My LR, LS many on here is saying that they see things in the LR/LS. I have yet to see any thing in live in my LR/LS, does that mean that it was dead when I received it?, also I order more LS, cause my DSB is only about 2" in a 55 gal, with 60 lbs LR, 2 402 PH, Berlin PS, wet/dry with bio balls and slump. can I put that in now, or when it comes? I placed two shrimp in the tank, and they are still there, however they are rotting and causing my level to remain off the hook. Which I understand is good, my question is add the sand and remove the shrimp should my levels go down?


Active Member
when your levels peak and drop back down to zero your in the clean for the most part... cycling takes time... 2-6 weeks seems to be the norm.. just dont rush it .... i did my last tank and well it cost me a pretty penny.......... take your time and learn what you can on here while its cycling (ie the fish/corals/critters you may want to keep)


Could someone tell me whether your suppose to put shrimp in your aquarium to rot when cycling it? And what kind of shrinp are they? Were they alive when you got them or did you just put them in to peak your levels?


Active Member
Well just use the shrimp (frozen or fresh (but dead) at the grocery store. or you can use uncured live rock to cycle the tank (the die off from the rock does the same as the shrimp)