I need help!


New Member
Several weeks ago, we started our tank. We got it started with 5 damsels, which is what our local store owner suggested. For a short time it seemed okay. Then my husband added some "oyster shell-type" formations into the tank (which he got out of the ocean himself -- and which the store owner also said would be okay). Our levels were okay for a few days, so the owner said we could start adding fish. We added a yellow tang and a huma trigger. They did okay for about a week. Then we lost them both. There were also some crabs living inside the oyster-shell formations. Some of them have also died. Now we have the 5 damsels still living and some crabs, but the tank is very green and looking like it's growing algae rapidly. And it seems like there is a fungus growing on the oyster-shell formations. I'm sure we have destroyed the tank, and I am at a loss for what to do. I told my husband we need to get rid of the oyster-shell formations, and start over. Is this right, or can anyone suggest what we should do? The ammonia and nitrite levels are off the charts. I don't know what to do!


sounds to me like you get some bad stuff out of the ocean...... never take stuff out of the ocean unless your under one condition...you HAVE to put it into a seperate tank for a while to make shure it dosent have any diseases or is polluted thats what probably killed it justr check your levels and be careful what you add......just let the tank do its thing try a 10% water change daily and if the algea gets too out of control brush it off the rock (not too hard though)


New Member
Better get some accurat readings from your pet store and make sure the pet store specializes in reef tanks. This is important. Do some water change and cut back on feeding to the absolut bare min.


New Member
You should also consider purchasing a ammonia nutraulizer to make sure the ammonia doesn't kill the fish. there may stll be decomposing going on. I would seperate the rock formation. Try putting it in a rubermaid tub. you can pick one up for about 4 bucks at your local store. set it up just like a tank only without the light.


New Member
Thanks. But is it your opinion that I should get rid of the oyster-shell formations, and maybe try some live rock? Or just leave it as is? I was not sure if this is a natural part of the "cycling", or if I really have a major problem.


New Member
It is a 55-gallon tank with a wet/dry filtration system. The store owner has been having me put 7 capsful of Cycle in per day, and he says that this will eventually take care of it. But I'm not so sure, can't tell if this "fungus" growing on the oyster-shell formations is "normal" or not. (I'm REALLY NEW at this!)


Sounds to me like a mini cycle has started, probably (like jwt said) from dyoff from the stuff you added from the ocean. Tell us a little more about the algea. Is there any brown algea forming?
You mentioned you were sure you destroyed the tank. Best thing to do is take a breath. Don't start tearing the tank apart just yet. But like everyone else has said, you should take the stuff from the ocean out (if you haven't already!). I know how you are feeling--You set a tank up to be a beautiful, relaxing pasttime. When things start to go wrong, it is easy to get overstressed. Almost takes the fun out of it. But stay the course. Your tank will recover.
One more thing...This board has been much more accurate in advise then any LFS I have near me. You may be in the same boat. Don't hesitate to ask questions. I do a search on this board for every thing I add to my tank to see how others have faired. Makes me feel better to know others have had success with what I am trying.
Just my $.02.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I am getting frustrated....it was going pretty well for a short time. I haven't gotten the "stuff" out of the tank yet, but hope to have it out in a day or so (there are live crabs living in the oyster-shell formations, so my husband wants to return it to the ocean where he found it! (Doesn't want to just kill the crabs.) But should I add any "clean-up" critters yet, to take care of some of the excess waste, etc.? Or after removing the stuff, do I just leave the damsels in all alone? They won't have any "cover" or anyplace to "dwell". And, we wanted to try LR next...how long do I have to wait to add some? Until the ammonia and nitrites are okay? I just did a water test (at home) and the PH was 7.8, Nitrates 1.0, Nitrites 5.0+++, Ammonia 8.0+++. Pretty bad, huh? I don't know...


New Member
The algae doesn't look brown. It is just a powdery dusting of green color. It is forming on the glass, and on everything in the aquarium. But, I don't think there is any brown algae. Oh, and then there is this white fungus-looking growth in some places... not so sure what this is! This is pretty horrible, huh?