I need help


Active Member
I took out my CrushedCoral and the tank is now cloudy, i had to filter out the CC from the sand by using a net. I stired up the top layer of sand. The tank now smells like the ocean and now its really cloudy. Right now i put cleaned the polyfilter. Will the inhabitants survive? sorry i dont have my test kit at the moment because i let my friend borrow it, something always happens when i let someone borrow something. Since my skimmer didnt break it, its not going to work.
Im pretty sure most of you guys did something similar to what i have done, what happend and what should i do. I moved all the live Rock to one side. I only saw my cleanershrimp, i took out the tubeworms and put them in a bag and now its floating on the top of my 15.
This tank is new, its been up since the 1st and it finished cycling a week and half later. I used livesand and live rocks and dead shrimp.
is it safe to add another 2 bags(40lbs) of live sand right now?
What do you guys think?


Active Member
the bag of livesand says instant cycling yet it also says no waiting add fish. What should i do?


I have used live sand that claimed the same thing. I did th cycle with the shrimp. I don't trust it. I will tell you though, my tank cycled fairly quickly with all the live sand and live rock.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry too much about it. The cloudiness will settle shortley. I didn't see you mention any fish so even a small mini cycle shouldn't do much harm. The bags of live sand have some bacteria already in place to help the cycle along. If your tank already cycled then you probably have just as much bacteria already in the tank. Adding the sand won't hurt.
Good Luck!
I'm sure you'll be fine.


Active Member
oh man what a reliever, you guys finally answered, i waited over 2 hrs to get an answer, im going to add it in now. Ive been searching around and i should have took out the crushed coral day by day. to lessen the stress. The tank is already cycled, contents; 1 cleaner, 3 chromsis, 2 firefish. Hopefully they didnt die.


Active Member
should i change my water, and how much if i should? right now im just putting live sand bags in warm water to warm up the sand and the water thats inside it


I would hold off on the water change to see if you get any ammonia. if you do one now, and get ammonia you will have to do another and too many water changes in a row stress out the fish, they are probably under a bit of stress as it is.


Active Member
alright the results are in everything is at zero and the nitrates are 1.5. ph is at 8.0 and i'll add the superbuffer tomorrow. I repositioned the rocks, and its still cloudy. I'll add in more saltwater tomorrow. without a waterchange since the tank is not full. Hopefully i did not crush anyfish.
Thanks for everyones help:D
i'll keep you guys posted. Should i turn on the light? or just keep it off for the whole day?


Active Member
day 2 everything is alive and healthy i fed the tank some brine and they ate it all up
thanks again for your help during a stressful day


Active Member
heh, dont worry! its just a shell from my old tank, it had a mushroom so i just put it into the new tank