I need serious help


Hey guys, I have had an ongoing problem with a possible mantis shrimp. I have posted twice before for suggestions on how to remove him and have been very persistent for months to get this guy out of my tank. I need any suggestions or specifics, maybe some not so common practices or just any plain advice on getting this guy out of my tank. I have not yet even seen him but i hear his clicks every night, i have had countless crabs disappear as well as fish. I need as many suggestions as you guys have.
Things I have tried -
I have tried a mantis shrimp trap baited with prawn, squid, and cyclopeeze
I have tried pulling out every piece of LR in my tank and did a brief (5 minute) freshwater dip followed by leaving my rock sit out on a towel for about 15 minutes
I have tried sitting out late at night with a red lensed flashlight with a piece of rock baited with prawn, squid, and cyclopeeze


Active Member
you havent found where he lives yet?
There was one guy on here who knew where the hole was and got so fed up with the little shrimp eating all of his livestock that he stuck a powerdrill in the hole and turned it on. Of course those measures are extreamly drastic.
did you try the rock in CO2? Although i dont know where you would get dry ice..... But i have heard of people doing it.
Probably the best thing you can do is locate what rock the shrimp is in. If you cant with a flash light, just take out your rocks, inspect any that could be possible homes as far as holes go, and move those into a different tank or something. Locate the exact rock and thigsn will be much easier.


Active Member
I have too possibilities rolling around in my head, one is rather absurd, so I will jsut state on.
Mantis shrimp are SMART. So maybe the traps and junk just didn't fool him. Also, maybe you didn't leave the rocks in the water long enough. I would suggest putting each rock in the freshwater for 20 minutes, then set it back on the towel for 10 minutes.


agreed they are very beautiful, but this one (if one indeed) is a royal pain in my :)) anyways, i had never heard of the fry ice deal, that sounds like a cool idea, that is if i can find where he lives. I am curious as to how bad it would be for my tank if i shocked my LR in the freshwater for that amount of time?? again if anyone has any other suggestions as well it would be wonderful help!!


Active Member
yeah, i wouldnt put all of yoru live rock in fresh water. definatly find where he lives first either by isolateing a rock at a time or something else.