I need some advice please




So as a kid I always wanted a salt water aquarium and the time has come to make my dream come true!!!!! I have a friend who gifted me a 10 gallon kit tank and filter. Now all I need is the sand, water, live rock and fish! I also want to get a cpl corals going.
So what I want to know is:
What kind and how many fish can I add to the tank?
How much live rock do I need?
Is the kit hood and lights ok for coral, and if not, what kind of bulbs do I need if I just want low light coral??
And what kind of coral can survive in low light??
Its a lot of questions that I would love to have answered....I havent started my tank yet because I want to know what I need first. Thanks!!!!!


Active Member
I own all of these books and recommend them if you are so inclined.
Marine Fishes 500 + Essential to Know Aquarium Species
By: Scott w. Michael
Marine Invertebrates 500 + Essential to Know Aquarium Species
By: Ronald L. Shimek
Marine Chemistry
By: C. R. Brightwell
Algae: A Problem Solver Guide
By: Julian Sprung


Active Member
Low light coral tanks are more difficult setups a moderate light coral is where I would start. This would mean an upgrade to the lights compact fluorescence or T5 HO fluorescence.
Add a HOB skimmer


well i myself have a ten g that i just started a few months ago. right now i have about 10 lbs of LR and may add more since im doind a reef tank also. so u may want to do the same. the lighting if ur going to use the fixture it came with i would recommened getting a strip light that gives off the lighting of what the sun may. try placing ur tank near an area where natural sunlight may hit it also seeing as how ur tanks lighting may not be as strong as a larger tank that can hold more watts. dont forget to get a heater also and u should get a wave maker in the tank also just to keep things moving around kinda like waves in a way. The fish i have in my tank are 1 chromis, 2 fp clownfish(small), yellow goby. And then i have my cleaning crew of 4 snails 4 crabs. i dont plan on adding more fish seeing as how the tank is small. but as for corals i have a torch which is a nice add, but has stinging tentacles. Also just added star polyps and i have mushrooms, and zoos. hope this helps good luck. look for hardy corals to begin with too theyll be able to adjust better to changes if any. dont forget ur master testing kit too to check for levels.


Just my two cents, I would try to update your lighting when you can and deal with what you have right now. You can always add more corals later, but I would not put your tank in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause the heat to spike especially when you want to maintain a consistent temp.


Putting it in the way of sunlight will also add to algae problems... the area you have it in is perfect, in south Florida heat you would be crazy to put it in front of a window anyway. I have a torch, zoos and mushrooms... they are hardy and a good place to start. I would see about upgrading those bulbs once you get the tank cycled. A wave maker IMO isnt necessary in such a small tank, a power head will be fine. The movement of the filter and PH will be enough to have things moving around.


thanks so much for all the advice! I would like to know what is an HOB skimmer?? someone recommened it.
Also, the tank will not be in direct sunlight, rather on the ledge/counter of my pass pass thru in the kitchen/living room.
I will definitly look into the new bulbs so that my corals can be happy!
NOw i just need get the sand and water a LR and get this thing started!!! Pics to come soon. O yea, and my friend is going to give me my first fish...a yellow chromis!!!


HOB=hang on back (like how your filter hangs) the skimmer is the thing in the sump under my big tank that has that sludgy looking stuff.. it takes the impurities, protein, exc out of the water. I dont have one on my 20 gal. Different people have different feelings about running skimmers full time, part time, none at all, exc...


HOB = hang on the back
skimmer is a unit that "skims" water from just below the surface and creates microbubbles in that water. when the microbubbles rise in teh chamber they pop and thats how you get the protien out of your water. thus protien skimmer.
Also, when goe mentioned Power compacts/PC's or T5's this would usually mean that you need to repalce the whole light fixture with one that is designed for those type of bulbs. you can also buy retrofit wiring and accessories to convert your existing hood into one of these but that takes a bit of know how.
good luck :)