I need Some Advice


Well here it goes i have a Huma TriggerFish and Wolf Eal on my 30gal tank.. but and some live rock.. my question it looks good but i want it to look better what and if could Put anything in there to make look better Like { Any inverts?, coral, ?}if i could .. ?? Please Advice??


Active Member
Jaypime - Not trying to be a downer here, but your Huma is going to outgrow that 30g VERY quickly. I am sure that he is 1" now, but triggers are notorius for being fast growers.
IMHO - save your money on decorating your 30g and get a 90g. If you want it to look better, get a couple of clownfish, 6 line wrasse, some Fire shrimp and take the trigger and eel back to the LFS.


Active Member
you humu will out grow the tank its in . I agree with ccampbell you should trade it in or begin upgrading imediatly to a larger tank .


well iam not going to trade him i love that huma there something about him that he knows me, he is like a lil dog well what iam going to do is just get a 90 tank for him... and i also have a 50 gal but there is where i have my clows tangs ect..