I need some assistance...


I have a 125 swim tank that has been set up for about 4 mo, I discovered my nitrate issue is not from over feeding but from my tap water. I tested the tap water and the nitrates are 40 ppm at the tap!! This is why i have about 20 ppm of nitrates al the time. i have not lost any fish over this, however, I do know that this can be potentially dangerous, in my tank now I have a cleaner wrasse, harlequin, tesselatta and a clarki. I do not use the store filtered water because the PH is way to low, I am looking for suggestions or should I leave the nitrates at 20 ppm? Will more live rock help reduce the nitrates? I also use a nitrate reducer and I would like to not use this chemical, would like a 'home remedie" of sorts.
Thanks for your input!!


You still add detox items to the tap water right?
What do you use?
If your store filter water has Ph that is low, do you have a Ph buffer?


Yes I do, I use Prime by seachem...do you know of anything else that works better, I just need something for Nitrates. I noticed that most of the detox chemicals are a "multi use" chemical, ie; chlorine, chloramine & ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are second nature...


Staff member
Install an quality RO/DI system. If the pH is low, then buffer the water.


Is that better than what I currently do? I am just wondering, if it is equal than it may be more cost effective to do what I do :notsure:


I thought the salt mix would bring the ph up when you mix it in the water my ph is fine I use the wallmart water.


Beth, should I install the rodi just for my tank or for home use and use that water for changes?