I need some book learnin


After a couple of post on this board I realize how much I dont know. Anyone have some suggestions on a good book to read.
Salt Water Aquarium Bible.


Active Member
if it is going to be your first tan ki would but The New Maring Aquarium by Michael Patella. Cant go wrong with that one


Active Member
The conscientious marine aquarist by fenner
Aquairium Corals by Borerman
These I found educational. HTH


Active Member
Any book under microcosm publishing is awsome. i would also cet Scott Michael's Marine Fishes, a quick guide to over 500 fish, awsome too for choosing which fish to buy


Ask and you shall receive, The salt water bible(s)
Thanks, Almarktool, j21kickster & NaCl-H20
so my reading list is- The conscientious marine aqurist
The marine aquarium
Aquarium corals
Marine fishes a quick guide
Microcosm publishing (anything)
Salt water fish for dummies
( for good measure)


Active Member
IMO, "The New Marine Aquarium" is the beat all Saltwater Guide for Dummies(although not titled as such). it is one of the easiest reading books i have heard of in this hobbyand is very informative, with step by step instructions of everything right down to selection of fishes.
I agree first book, first tank, then this should be your first book.


Active Member
Correction on author its Paletta not Patella, sorry just got out of an anatomy class and didnt mean to refer to him as a knee.:rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Portugee
Ask and you shall receive, The salt water bible(s)
Thanks, Almarktool, j21kickster & NaCl-H20
so my reading list is- The conscientious marine aqurist
The marine aquarium
Aquarium corals
Marine fishes a quick guide
Microcosm publishing (anything)
Salt water fish for dummies
( for good measure)

The conscientious marine aqurist - there is a guy/company that selling these on ----, i just picked one up from him his name on ---- is petznpondz he sells about everything i notice book wise
here is a item


Active Member
That is a good first list. Those 4 books will help you immensly. They will also cover many things. Good diversity there.