I Need Some Help Please


Ok Im having a big problem with my aquarium. First off it is not cycling at all. Has been up for about almost 3 weeks now. It trys to cycle I think cause my Nitrites will start to rise then comes back to 0... funny cause nothing else takes a rise. We have about 72 lbs of LR in there right now... Ordered another 75 lbs and just waiting for it to come. Wanna throw some raw shrimp in there along with the LR we got coming. I do have a problem my darn PH goes up and down like a roller coaster. I do have some light green alage on my white base rock... can that be cause my PH is very low?? Oh ya yesterday my PH was like 8.8 then today it was 7.4 and tomorrow it might be up again. Should I add a buffer for the PH even tho it has not cycled yet? Ok people here is my readings. I got my lights off to stop that green stuff from getting worse :help: Oh I use RO water.
Temp 80.4
Salinity 1.023
PH 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate 0
KH 161.1
Calcium 460


Nope no EXP date on it. My son bought a package of raw uncooked shrimp... How many should I put in a 125g?


I have found that a couple of times that I started up my aquarium with live rock and or live sand my tank would not spike. It was actually good from the get go. To be safe I added a product called STABILITY. Never had any problems.. 75lbs of live rock is a good amount of bacteria.. Add some Damsels and see how they react..
About you PH problem I never had a problem..