I Need Some Help


Ok we have the Raccoon in a net inside the aquarium... We caught the Yellow Tang hitting him with his tail... So we believe thats what happened to the Raccoon... Not sure if the Raccoon will make it or not... but he is still breathing very good. Now I know that the Raccoon is a peaceful fish and the Tang is semi-aggresive. My question is this... Should all the fish in my aquarium be one or the other... either all peaceful or all semi aggresive? and what can I put with a Yellow Tang he is the one with the sharp tail edge.


You have more than just one issue here.
I'm not sure if peaceful or aggressive wise the YELLOW tang and the RACOON will get along, but you have a color/shape issue as well. The tang may be attacking because the racoon displays similar shape as well as color to the tang.
Just keep that in mind when choosing your stocking list.