I need some help


I got a eshopps R-100 refugium and a eshopps PSK-100 in sump skimmer and I was wondering how do I put them together.​


Well-Known Member
Did they come with instructions?

Sometimes I put stuff together according to the picture. Any pictures that you could look up?


Well-Known Member
Take a picture of what you have...and maybe we can help you figure it out, as a rule, most skimmers function pretty much the same...and a refugium isn't anything but another tank to be a refuge for critters you don't want eaten, including macroalgae that many fish find tasty. Since most of us have one type or the other, we might be able to help.


Well-Known Member
As a general rule of thumb, I try to put the intake for the skimmer as close to the place where water enters the sump/refugium so that the skimmer has a chance to clean the water before other processes in the skimmer/sump have their effect.


That looks more like a sump then a refugium to me. Sumps don't really need directions everyone does theirs differently.


Well-Known Member

How exactly you want the plumbing is your choice, you either have to have an overflow in the display, or have it drilled...gravity will dump water to the sump.

Set up your plumbing (PVC pipe or flex hose) so that water from the display enters the sock, filling the sump. the skimmer should be in that chamber, it has it's own pump drawing water into it and creating bubbles. It's hard to tell in a picture, but it looks to me like the water, after the skimmer chamber should rise and overflow into the center chamber (Refugium???) then overflow to the last chamber, where a RETURN pump should be placed, to return the water to the display after it has passed the skimmer and refugium chambers.

LOL...Basically exactly what GeriDoc said, but with a little more detail.


Well-Known Member
And what would be a good return pump for my refugium
There are lots of brands to choose from, I like Eheim pumps myself. As for the size or GPH... somebody else will have to chime in, LOL my method: ...I always ask here on the site, and they tell me which size to get.


Well-Known Member
Hi, dangerfish. You have a mini version of my refugium, which is the R300. The return pump you need will depend on a couple of factors... the size of the tank and the height that it will have to pump water. If you plan to use the center chamber as a refugium to raise macro algae (to reduce nitrates and phosphates), you can use a pretty good flow through it. If you plan to use it to raise copepods and amphipods (free fish food!), you will need to use a slightly slower flow. Let us know how large your tank is and what your intent for the refugium is, and we can go from there. As far as pumps go, you will get all kinds of recommendations, as everyone has their own personal preference. I use Danner Classic Mag-Drives (not Pondmaster) exclusively, but I do hear good reviews on Eheim as well..


ok so after a while my dad didnt lke the idea for the overflowbox so I guess now i will be getting my tank drilled when I get one


Well-Known Member
ok so after a while my dad didnt lke the idea for the overflowbox so I guess now i will be getting my tank drilled when I get one
I agree with your dad, drilled is much better. If I ever decide to do another tank, I will get one drilled...overflow boxes are nothing but a pain in the rump...clogs, leaks and floods, oh my! It seems to always be something.


I agree with your dad, drilled is much better. If I ever decide to do another tank, I will get one drilled...overflow boxes are nothing but a pain in the rump...clogs, leaks and floods, oh my! It seems to always be something.
Yeah my dad said that the guy that I will be getting my tank from said that drilled is a lot more better.