New Member
I just recently purchased a JBJ 12gl Nano Cube with about 2lbs of LR and 3" of LS. This tank had been sitting for a few months without water in it with the exception of about 3" mixed in with the sand. I cleaned the LS until the water was clear,and cleaned the LR in salt water and reused both. I went to my LFS and purched 10gl of saltwater. With this being said, I now have everything setup and running now it's been about 5 days. Water temp is dead on 78*, ph is 6.5, NH3+NH4 is .25+, NO2 is between <.3 and .3. I plan to add about 10 more lbs of LR in the next week. Please give feedback and recommendations. The ammonia has increased a little from day one, should I add a piece of shrimp to get thing going? Add more LR first? any info at this point would greatly be appreciated.