I need some Nano advice...


New Member
I just recently purchased a JBJ 12gl Nano Cube with about 2lbs of LR and 3" of LS. This tank had been sitting for a few months without water in it with the exception of about 3" mixed in with the sand. I cleaned the LS until the water was clear,and cleaned the LR in salt water and reused both. I went to my LFS and purched 10gl of saltwater. With this being said, I now have everything setup and running now it's been about 5 days. Water temp is dead on 78*, ph is 6.5, NH3+NH4 is .25+, NO2 is between <.3 and .3. I plan to add about 10 more lbs of LR in the next week. Please give feedback and recommendations. The ammonia has increased a little from day one, should I add a piece of shrimp to get thing going? Add more LR first? any info at this point would greatly be appreciated.


Active Member
Rock first, then the shrimpy. That way the bacteria will have more surface area to grow on. It doesn't matter a whole lot, but that's just how I would do it. So far, great start. We all love pictures here. =)


New Member
Attachment 236134
Thanks for the post...
I have added 12lbs of LR, it's been in the tank now about 5 days.
Ammonia has gone up as expected 1.5 - 3.0 from .25 about a week ago.
PH is 70, Nitrite is 0.1, KH is 11%, water temp steady at 80*.
I'm now getting some brown algea growth in the sand, LR has alot of purple corline growth.
LR came with a bonus? a dark green mantis shrimp. He was active for the first 3 days, I have not seen him since. If he is in fact still living, I will attempt to catch and carry to my LFS.
Any more suggestion would be greatly appreciated.