I need some really good advice!!!!


New Member
:confused: I had some lovely white sand at the bottom of my tank when i first started out, which was around 6weeks ago now!! I did buy half a dozen wee crabs and a tiger shrimp! They are doing a great job only on the live rock though!! What can i get to clean my sand and make it white again ??? It's covered in green and brown algae i think thats what it is!! Please help!! I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing?? It makes the tank look rotten!!!


If this is a new tank, its quite common for small algae blooms in the first few months.
Just grab some flexible hose and siphon the top layer off, only takes a moment and its shiny white again :) HTH's


I had the same problem. I bought a yellowface sleeper goby and it has made world of diffrence .:cheer: