I need to clean this tank up!!


Hello all. I've had my 55gal with 60lbs LR, 20 base, and 80 lbs LS up for about 2 months now. I started with 7 turbos and 12 nassarius snails. Now i have 2 percula clowns also. I also have a prizm, and hob 300 gph filter. Anyway, to my question - slowly after putting the snails into the tank they all started to die. I'm left with only 1 good sized turbo, but all the nassarius and fish are great. There is plenty of different types of algea on the back glass, so why did the turbos die? Also, the nassarius aren't doing as good a job of cleaning sand as hoped, what can i get to help clean the glass better and the sand. Some the rocks are also starting to get small amounts of red and green algea. I need to clean this tank up!


Get some coraline turbo snails for the glass, and for the sand use hermit crabs and emerald crabs/sally lightfoot crabs.... good luck!!!


I think you have mis-understood what the nassarius snails do. They don't clean your sandbed. They only help to stir up the sandbed because they barry themselves in the sandbed and come out to look for left-overs. By doing that, they prevent your sandbed to look worse. Get some red scarlet hermits. They do a better job on the sandbed and if possible a fighting conch or two. They do the best job on the sand, better than all the other inverts out there IMO. Margarita snails are very good for the rocks and they are not bulldozer like the turbos are. Also I would check your nitrate and phosphate level. If they are both pretty high, then I would look for the source for them and solve the problem from there. HTH


Thanks for the advice. I'm am not enlightened as to the purpose of nassarius snails. Anyway, I think I'm gonna try to get some astrea snails, I hear they do a better job than turbos and don't fall off nearly as much. My nitrates are low so I don't think that is the problem. Never checked phosphates. I think the liquid plankton I've been feeding my clowns has helped to increase the red algae.


Active Member

Originally posted by SSMariner9
Thanks for the advice. I'm am not enlightened as to the purpose of nassarius snails. Anyway, I think I'm gonna try to get some astrea snails, I hear they do a better job than turbos and don't fall off nearly as much. My nitrates are low so I don't think that is the problem. Never checked phosphates. I think the liquid plankton I've been feeding my clowns has helped to increase the red algae.

I had the same problem with the Turbos, You need brown algae (actually diatoms) for them to eat and they need a ton.
Trochous (sp?) snails are great, they are one of the few that can right themselves if they fall over.
The guy I bought my 300gal from recommended them to me.
They are great.
Emerald crabs will keep the LR clean. Pepermint Shrimp do a great job on the Substrate.
I tend to stay away from hermits myself.. to much clutter with all those shells.
Queen Conchs are good as well.


Did you have Mexican turbos? They are the bigger ones. Anyways they aren't used to the warmer waters we keep in our aquarium. Usually people tell me aobut 1 in 3 live. But once they are established in a tank they do great.
If you have regular turbos I would go with the advise to check your water parameters. And add to get a deverse crew with diffrent snails and crabs.


Active Member
Astreas/turbos are very hit and miss. Mine do well for a while then start dying for no reason, then the rest are ok for a while, then another one or 2 die........