I need to know about Valentini puffers



I just bought a Valentini puffer, and i put it in my reef tank. It says that it is a reef safe fish, but to monitor with shrimp. I also have lots of blueleg hermits and there doesn't seem to be as many as there used to be. I also had an elibi angel, its missing. I would appreciate some advice on the problems at hand.


Valentinis are considered one of more mild-tempered tobies. But, still they should not be trusted with any small crustaceans without any protective shell. To answer your questions, i think it is very unlikely that your valentini actually ate your hermit crabs. They are maybe hiding for now. It is even more unlikely that valentini did something to your angel. How long have you had your eibli? If it's sill new, it might be still acclimating. Give it a few more days. Btw, when was the last time you saw your eibli?


Hmm....it's definitely not a good sign....especially when you haven't seen it for such a long time. I think the only way to figure out what happened to your angel is to tear apart the entire tank including live rocks and everything. Hope this helps.


i have a valentini toby in my tank with a coral beauty, orange butterfly, yellow tang, and a clown fish and he doen't bother any of those fish. However I have been told that if i put snails in their he probably would eat them after a couple of days.
Hope this helps!!!


Active Member
Your valentini puffer probably did eat the hermit crabs, but I can't imagine it harassing the Elibi enough to kill and eat it. The only reason I say it would eat the hermits is because I put crabs and snails in my tank from time to time, and my blue spot puffer, who looks exactly like a valentini in body shape, loves to eat those. Tobies use inverts such as these to wear down their always-growing teeth.
However, I really would not consider them an agressive fish, so it most likely did not kill the elibi. He may just be hiding because he may be a bit stressed out, especially if he saw the valentini chomping down on all the hermits.
I would not consider these fish reef safe however. You will notice from time to time that these guys love to pick at rocks, so he may begin to pick at some corals too. I am not saying it is a major problem, but he may use a coral or two as a snack when he gets hungry. I like to fill mine up on live black worms. He will go crazy over these, and his rock picking is held at a minimum. So if you notice that he does start picking at some of your corals (since you said you have a reef), fill him up with some live black worms.


Active Member
Sorry for the slow reply...
Most fish stores should sell them as "live black worms". At least the ones around here all do. Check with your lfs.


Why feed your valentini live black worms when there is a variety of frozen seafood available on the market? I've never seen a valentini that wound't accept frozen seafood unless it is severely emaciated. Black worms might be nutritionally comparable (though probably not), but they are not the natural diet of puffers. Marine invertebrates have certain fatty acids that many other terrestrial invertebrates don't, and these are very important for the proper growth of your puffer. If your valentini won't accept anything but live food, try live river/ghost shrimps that are fully fed before feeding your puffer. IMO, these are a much better choice than live black worms.


Active Member
pufferman, no doubt about it, I think frozen foods are a much better diet than anything live as well. However, I was speaking on my own personal experience when telling Coankas to try black worms every now and then because if it were me, I would be a bit worried about a Valentini in a reef tank. I am always noticing my puffers picking at the live rock in the tank. They just have that type of mouth to do so.
Also, my puffers, though they like frozen food as well, never really get full off of it and are always hunting for more food when I put frozen in there. I notice that they'll pick at the rocks a lot when they are looking for more food too. However, I've noticed that when I put live blackworms in there, they become pretty full and a little less of pickers and hunters.
As to the ghost shrimp suggestion, while I do agree that they contain some good nutrition for the fish's diet, it seems to me that adding something like a shrimp into the tank just makes the fish more aggressive. I am not trying to be hypocritical. I do add shrimp into my tank, but my tankmakes can handle a little more aggression from each other. Making Coankas' puffer more aggressive though by adding shrimp for him to chase all day isn't always the greatest idea in my opinion because like he said, he was worried about his elibi angel and puffer living peacefully.
I am not trying to argue pufferman. This is just my opinion and experience with this particular situation.