I never wanted to post...here



But my yellow tang has hemeroids, and I can't spell it so that made attempting a search, useless. I can ID constipation, but this doesn't stop there. He is impacted!! Let me explain, I put a rock covered in caleurpa in the tank for him to graze on. I put the rock in 3 days ago and yesturday I noticed he was pooping out 3/4 inch sticks, so I removed the rock. Today when I went to feed the fish, he didn't eat!! And that's unheard of, cause he's a pig!!! No need to ask what I feed them, cause if you name it, they prolly get it (they eat better than my kids!) although only once a day. The tang has a small blister on each side of his anus. And a much to big to come out on it's own, clump. I was going to attempt to remove what I could get with tweezers, but he is pretty hard to catch. So I am going to wait and see what you guys suggest. What I wanna know is has anyone else ever experienced this and should I try to fish him out to pull the stuff outa him? If this is going to cause intestinal blockage that will end my fish, then I will tear the tank apart. If this will pass (pun) on it's own then I would like to know that also. PLEASE HELP!!!
PS, Other than his rear, he looks and acts perfectly normal.


Maybe I can get a pic (of the blisters), you can somewhat sorta see the inflamation. But not the actual blisters.


Staff member
I don't see anything at all wrong with this fish. And, if he pooped yesturday, I can assure you that he is not impacted today. Give him some sheets of Green Seaweed Selects.


No, he never did poop yesturday. He has poop "stuck" there. It looks kinda like he is TRYING to push out a whole pea. It was stuck where you could just see it, as the evening progressed it seemed to get even bigger. Late last night I saw him handing out with the cleaner shrimp. And this mornin' he seems to be doing a lot better, but the blisters are still there though. And he is starting to eat again.
I posted all of that in case someone else encounters this in the future... But I think he will be ok.


Here is a better pic of his "blister"...He has one on both sides. (This is mostly for reference, I think he is better today)


Staff member
Go ahead and offer him the Green Veggies [SeaWeed Selects or Nori]. Do a water change. How is the pH in your tank?