I practically stole these Yumas


So I went to the LFS today to see what they have and pick up some testing supplies and this is what I found for $65.....So far I have counted at least 17 of these guys on this rock....I'm so excited about this find......My LFS never has anything good normally.



I was pretty excited about it. The guy said they normally sell a single one for $25 and that he was going to frag the rock if I didn't buy it. (I know the guy pretty well) He wants me to occasionally frag it for him and bring the frags into the shop to sell them. To me thats a pretty good investment!


They said they should color up even more after they are happy in my tank....I can't wait to see what they look like then.


Active Member
Yea they look orange. Sell those yourself or give you LFS a treat. I got a ricordea frag from my LFS in the "frag tank" for 5$. Next day it honestly quadrupled in size because their tank had crap lighting.


They seem to vary in color a little bit but the one I like the most has a neon green mouth, surrounded by blue, surrounded by green, surrounded by orange, with orange and pink ball things.
Are you saying to give them to the LFS for free? He already said that the only way he would sell me them that cheap is if I would frag and sell some back to him occasionally. I think I will just frag one or two of them and attach them to a rock and then set up a little frag tank and keep the big rock in there and keep fragging it along with other corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by juice_1080
They seem to vary in color a little bit but the one I like the most has a neon green mouth, surrounded by blue, surrounded by green, surrounded by orange, with orange and pink ball things.
Are you saying to give them to the LFS for free? He already said that the only way he would sell me them that cheap is if I would frag and sell some back to him occasionally. I think I will just frag one or two of them and attach them to a rock and then set up a little frag tank and keep the big rock in there and keep fragging it along with other corals.
No by treat the LFS, I meant give them a yuma every now and then for store credit or however you and your buddy worked it out. Never give a ricordea for free


On further inspection I found 23 of them. There may be some on the back or in some cracks that I didn't find yet but I count 23 and then I get confused on which ones I have already counted. So $65*.9(10% discount for being a preferred customer)=58.5/23=$2.54 per head plus the 2-3lb of LR that it came on.


Hey juice:
you mind telling me either here or by PM which LFS you found these at? Really a nice find!


Active Member
Wow! sweet yumas!
I got about 28 from my LFS for $49, they all ended up dying though.. I don't know why

If you ever frag, I might be interested in trying my hands at them again


I got them in Janesville at Petland next to target. They normally just have the basics like zoos and the dull pink shrooms and xenia. This was an unusual find. Supposingly there is a place off the beltline in Madison that has some pretty nice corals by Steinhafel's. Where are you located at?


I'm in Madison. I can tell you the place by Steinhafel's is so-so, sometimes they get some decent stuff in, othertimes not so much. If you come up to Madison for the frag swap, you'll probably want to make a few rounds, there are 4 places that carry saltwater, all with pluses and minuses.
Better yet, if you come to the swap maybe I should trade you something for a couple of those yumas!


The only one I really remember walking into is animart on the east side and then there is another one that has a bunch of freshwater and then in the back it has salt...aquarium something or something aquarium....I don't remember the name and I was only there once looking for a PH and some salt. I know theres alot more than that that have saltwater stuff in Madison. Maybe I could get some fragged for you by then. Right now they are still getting used to my tank. Maybe later this week I will frag them. I haven't had any success fragging shrooms yet though. I can't get them to stick to anything and they end up behind the rockwork dead. If you can give me some tips I will try it for you.


The easiest way would probably be to figure out if a section of rock can be broken off.


I will check it out after work today and see what my options are. I need to kill some Aiptasia that came with a coral my dad gave me yesterday. Don't want that spreading. I will let you know what I find.