I Really Need Help Fast!


Active Member
as some of u now i got a gsm pair and the female wont accept him she rams him for no apparent reason why is this is it bc she wants to breed and he doesnt in the lfs they were doing fine chasing other fish out of there nesting site and she only accpets him at night when they both are in the anenome actually he is underneath the anenome?


Active Member
o and when she shoves him he shoves back bt he cant even push her lol but then she backs off and then she lets him stay for a bit then the same happens again and i have the book clownfishes and it doesnt tell me anything about it? my percs never did this stuff


I think your clown fish are establishing dominance. I wouldn't worry unless there is damage done to either fish. How long have these fish been together?


Active Member
no there definately male female pair in the lfs they were fighting other fish off and everything now there or she just keeps ramming him but now shes starting to let him stay in hes even cleaning spots off now.


Watch the fins on the smaller fish. When I got my pair we introduced 2 female GSM together the big female kept grabbing the smaller females tail and pulled it into the anemone. It didn't rip the fin off but it was just frayed. The larger female also did a bit of the same thing at first. The smaller did the seizure thing to show it was being submissive. Is your smaller clown doing that? What are the sizes of the 2 clowns? I'd just keep a good eye on them and watch the appearance of the smaller clown.
My guess is that you'll be ok.


my female did the same thing and tore off my male's fin tips. he hid for a couple days in a cave while i babied him. just make sure that he has a place to hide and that he eats a little bit at feeding times. Now after a month my two get along great.


Active Member
even if you bought a pair they still may refight for dominance once going to your house...the female is real crabby and what not, read your clownfish books, it mentions it in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
even if you bought a pair they still may refight for dominance once going to your house...the female is real crabby and what not, read your clownfish books, it mentions it in there.
Agreed, and this is totally normal behaivor. If she isn't causing damage to the male then it is just how they interact with each other. Mine do this all the time, and I've had them for over a year.


Active Member
they should after a while reestablish the dominance and become a nice little couple again, and hopefully breed for you


Trust me she is just trying to show him who's boss :)
Mine still do that every once in a while and have had them over a year now


have urs breed yet? o yea this is clown123 on my other name i use both. one for the comp and one for the laptop.lol :hilarious


Active Member
clown123, is there any specific reason you want these fish to breed so bad? If you havn't made preparations for food and a seperate tank the fry are just going to die and or be consumed by other things in your tank.
If you really want to raise clown fry I strongly suggest you buy some books on the subject and do a search on this forum on previous posts where people have attempted it. It's a very involved process.


Active Member
ive done ALOT of research im use to having babys thats why i use to breed freshwater fish and yes i have another tank for fry i have the rotifiers and all that i bough the pair there own tank its just i put so much $ into this breeding clowns and i wanna see them breed and just have that feeling of succes i guess.


Active Member
Sounds good, I'd slow my pace a little bit if I were you. Racing to anything in this hobby will set you up for a big failure. Which clowns have you ended up with now, I see threads by you with 3 different types of clowns? 2 pair of any type of clowns in one tank is a disaster waiting to happen once one of the females actually matures enough to spawn. She will kill any other female in the area.