I still dont know what these are!


I know that I have already posted pictures of these but there getting worse! 2 have matured and turned brown and they have fast snapping like motions (very strange) I couldnt get a good pic of them. They are growing on snail and crab shells. No one really knew what they were,
. does anyone have these covering there live rocks? The pics are so distorted because this website only allows 500x500 so I have to edit them so much that this is the result, sorry. Hope someone can help.



Active Member
too blury too tell but, if they are shaped like fingers and open and close as if you had you hand and fingers spread out and closing them as if you were doing the BLAH BLAH BLAH sign, then they are probably pulsating Xenias


Active Member
Go open an accound on photobucket, then you don't have to lower the quality and we should be able to see what it is.


do a search for hydroids. there have been alot of them popping up in tanks lately. but thats what they look like to me.


I did look at hydroid images and they very well could be. What should I do next? Is there something I can control them with? If I dont get them under control it will be bad news they have spread like a plague!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kim11
I did look at hydroid images and they very well could be. What should I do next? Is there something I can control them with? If I dont get them under control it will be bad news they have spread like a plague!

Hydroids just dispaear by themselves...


there really isnt an effective way to get rid of them that I know of eventually they will dieoff though. do you have the ability to seclude this rock or turn it upside down into the sand those are about the only things I can suggest on them right now.


I am getting a peppermint shrimp. It seems like they eat everything bad. Will one get along with my cleaner shrimp?