jv hermit
I have a 90 gal. FOWLR tank that has been running for about a year now. Filtration is a large wet/dry with a Lifeguard canister filter and 15w UV sterilizer. It is stocked with:
80 lbs. of LR
1 4" Blueface Angel
2 Semilarvatus Butterflies
1 Flame Angel
Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Ph 8.2, Nitrates 10. I only use RO/DI water. I do weekly, sometimes bi-weekly water changes of 15% or so. Everything was going fine until 3 days ago when I lost power for about 1 1/2 hours. I did what I could to keep the water oxygenated. This morning I noticed a white dusting on my fish and my Semilarvatus are swimming very fast and sometimes acting like they are having a seizure. I assume they might have oodinium or ick. I do have a running 29 gal. QT but it is too small to handle all of my fish. Can I do the Hyposalinity in the main tank? The live rock does not have any corals or critters on it. I bought it to give the tank a natural look. What can I do? Thanks
80 lbs. of LR
1 4" Blueface Angel
2 Semilarvatus Butterflies
1 Flame Angel
Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Ph 8.2, Nitrates 10. I only use RO/DI water. I do weekly, sometimes bi-weekly water changes of 15% or so. Everything was going fine until 3 days ago when I lost power for about 1 1/2 hours. I did what I could to keep the water oxygenated. This morning I noticed a white dusting on my fish and my Semilarvatus are swimming very fast and sometimes acting like they are having a seizure. I assume they might have oodinium or ick. I do have a running 29 gal. QT but it is too small to handle all of my fish. Can I do the Hyposalinity in the main tank? The live rock does not have any corals or critters on it. I bought it to give the tank a natural look. What can I do? Thanks