I think I have a sick fish...Help please.


I noticed about a week ago one of my 3 week old clowns was just about laying down in the bottom corner of my tank. But when I fed or came up to look at the tank he would become real active. I had another post about this, and I figured he was just getting use to his surroundings. Yesterday I noticed he has white freckles. :eek: It looks like he grows a new one every time I walk by. Now my other more active smaller clown has a few freckles of white dots. He has never acted sick.
Now I added a PC light fixture about a week ago, with moon light. I've been running it on timers to given a 24 hour effect, but I've been running the moon light all night, until the blue antics come on in the morning. With that said....
I've noticed my cleaner shrimp, harasses my cardinal and clowns, in a manner of trying to clean them I guess. They apparently want no part of that. He sneaks up behind them when the moonlight is on at night.
Could this be stressing them out?
Other than that I can't figure out why they are getting sick. My Coral Beauty is fine, and the Cardinal is fine as well. My water parameters are good. Ca-400, Alk-10, Ph-8.4, trites-0, trates-0, Amonia-.25(due to kit I believe), I don't have a phosphate kit. Salinity-1.024, water temp 78. I can't think of anything else right now. One reason for my concern is this is the second set of clowns that I've had that have become sick with in a month. I lost a set a few months back. What ever it is, it's only effecting my clowns.
Thanks in advance for the help.


New Member
:thinking:It sounds to me that you might have Ich. The white spots are a classic sign. If you treat with an Ich medication safe for inverts (Kick Ich) it will help the problem. If you don't have any live rock coral or inverts, a copper product is a way to go too. In the mean while, feed garlic, it will help the fish to have a better appatite. Also, vitamin C will help build there immune system. Hope this helps.:happyfish


Thanks junebar!
I just got done reading the disease sticky up top. I guess it is ich. The pictures look classic to some in the disease sticky. My only problem now is the QT. I don't have one. I have LR, inverts, and my first coral frag. Can I treat this in my display. The way the treatment advice read, not likely. I don't want it detaching reproducing and attacking my other fish. This is really bad. Why is it, every time it's going good, something like this happens. :mad:
I'm assuming I can't put a QT together either, because it would need to cycle, right? Man this sux. ANy info on treating ich in the display would greatly be appreciated. I look into KickIch.


Hey I ran buy th LFS at lunch. I was wondering if one of those small 2.5-10 kits would work as a QT.


New Member
The kick ich is safe for live rock and inverts. It works well. I would still use the garlic and Vitamin C though. The C will help the fish that do not have it healthy. The garlic will get the one that don't feel good to eat. I hope your fish feel better soon.


Staff member
junebar, that product does not work well for most hobbyists. At best it works sometimes. More times, it does not and the problem is compounded by not dealing with it effectively to begin with.
Now that ich has been introduced to your tank, the best thing for you to do is treat all of your fish. Or you could remove the LR and treat your fish in tank.
The procedure is detailed in the FAQ Thread.