I think I have A worm!


First off, GROSS!!!! I'm not sure what this is, I didn't even get a good full look at him. He looked dark grey/brown....thin, long, and I didn't get to see the rest of the body. He squirmed his tail forward then back and then he went totally out of sight. Does that sound like a worm? Are they good/bad for your system? How in the world did he get in there? It's been set up for, going on a year, never seen anything like that before!:eek: :eek:


I'm not even sure if this is a good or a bad thing. I just think it's nasty. :eek: And I don't think I can get it out. It went in a hole in the rock, who knows if i'll see it again now!!! And, truthfully, I don't want to see it!!!:confused: Anyone know anything about worms, or what i think is one at least?


ew worms cooties run away ahhhh
its most likely good for your system it adds bio-diversity....I dont see how a little worm seperated by 1inch thick glass/acrylic can be gross hehe just dont pick up your lr it might eat you :D


well, i did a quick search and i haven't seen anything that looks like this 'worm'. it's not bristle, no little legs.....i didn't see the head, only the tail part and some body....not red like some of the pictures i came across.....anyone know of a post with lots of different pictures of worms?
I don't know why but when i see a picture of a worm, my skin crawls.....not a feather worm....a snake-like worm.....(fear of snakes? maybe)


Active Member
there is a post with a bunch of different worms in it. just look in all the forums. i thin it is in the reef forum.
It sounds like a worm that we have also. I did a post on it a few months back and it was suggested to me that it maybe a peanut worm. try a search on this.


Active Member
Yea, I inherited some peanut worms in some fresh, uncured LR I bought a few months ago. They only come out at night. They usually stay inside a hole or under the rocks. They are brown to cream in color and are shaped much like rubber fishing worms ( except for the tail isnt flat like the rubber worms) They are generally good for your system. They are detrivoures and help your cleanup crew take care of business! Yes they are gross looking & can turn themselves inside out but a good thing to have IMO. Enjoy your new pet! HeHeHe.....


Active Member
Any "good" LFS should carry a 'worm trap'. Not necessarily to take it out of the tank since most worms are good for the system, but just so you know what you're looking at. Of course these traps may be strictly for bristleworms but it was just a thought.


ok, thanks guys. I think that he is a peanut worm, he didn't look fat like some of the pictures i saw, but like i said, i only saw a part of him.
I was trying to see him again this morning before the lights came on, and i found another nightcrawler!!! I know this one is a worm, not what kind though.....he's whitish to almost clear. he popped his head out of a tiny little hole and streached out his body so it became long, then he slapped himself on the lr and it looked like he got something, then he retracted himself and stayed there for a while, then went back in his hole.....he did this whole rutine about 12 times in the few minutes i was watching him. when he streaches his body, it becomes skinny and clear.....there is a tiny spot of brown on it's head.....
hope that was kinda clear for someone to tell me what it is
thanks for the help with the peanut worm:D