I think I'm overloaded . . .


Ok, I did it. I think I restocked the tank too much:
Copperband Butterfly (3 inches)
Maroon Clown (2 inches)
Blue Hippo Tang (2 inches)
Sleeper Goby (3 inches)
Catalina Goby (1 inch)
3 chromis (inch each)
1 damsel (inch)
Of course, about 12 or so hermits, a sally lightfoot, and a queen conch.
Did I mention only a 54 gallon?
Even if I get rid of the chromis and damsel, am I still going to be overloaded?
I'm running a protein skimmer, wet/dry, 10 gallon sump, 100 lbs of LR and 3" of LS.
Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!:notsure:

nm reef

Active Member
My thought exactly! If I remember you recently had some major problems...if all those fish have been recently added think I'd think there may be some issues. Plus...you listed the current size of the fish right? In time a few of them will be considerably larger. If it were me I'd consider reducing them by about half...and even then I'd add only one or two at a time. It just doesn't pay to rush and mess up the bio-load on your system.:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by H2OENGR
Ok, I did it. I think I restocked the tank too much:
Copperband Butterfly (3 inches)
Maroon Clown (2 inches)
Blue Hippo Tang (2 inches)
Sleeper Goby (3 inches)
Catalina Goby (1 inch)
3 chromis (inch each)
1 damsel (inch)
Of course, about 12 or so hermits, a sally lightfoot, and a queen conch.
Did I mention only a 54 gallon?
Even if I get rid of the chromis and damsel, am I still going to be overloaded?
I'm running a protein skimmer, wet/dry, 10 gallon sump, 100 lbs of LR and 3" of LS.
Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!:notsure:

I can understand ur desire to fill the tank teeming full of animals, I fight the urge myself but then I think how much its gonna suck when I watch all that start to die and im responsible. PS Id get rid of the tang asap before u get flamed on here ;) Lovely fish but alas my tank like yours is way too small for him (it took a few times to get that through my stubborn head ). Save yourself and the fish a major headache and let em go :D

barry cuda

The catalina goby is also probably not long for this world. They're cool-water fish, as much as they're often sold as tropicals, and will die in a typical tropical tank.


While it brings great sadness to my heart, I appreciate and understand everyone's comments.
NM, yes, I did have some recent "major problems", but all parameters have been back in line now for more than a month. You're probably right about the bacteria though. No real way to test that except for loading the hell out of it with fish! But, that's not the right thing to do.
I'm going to be sure to take the blue hippo to the LFS and probably the damsels and chromis.
Has anyone had any luck with Copperbands? He's a great looking fish and I'd hate to lose him.


Barry, as far as the catalina, I've got PCs and the temp is maintained around 78-80, which is where I read it is the upper end of their range. If I had MHs without a chiller, I'd agree with you totally.


I really want to keep it, Kip, any suggestions? Other than lose 1/2 of the fish in my tank! I'll do that this weekend at the LFS.


I've heard that from EVERYONE!
I just got the fish 2 days ago. They all seem to be doing fine, but I haven't seen the CB eat yet. I've read that it's a picker of feather dusters, and the like, and it's a carnivore. What kind of "meat" should I provide! I feel bad having bought this exquisite fish without fully researching it. But, I'm bound and determined to give it my all to make it work. How about tubiflex worms? Live brine? Frozen bloodworms?


Active Member

Originally posted by H2OENGR
Barry, as far as the catalina, I've got PCs and the temp is maintained around 78-80, which is where I read it is the upper end of their range. If I had MHs without a chiller, I'd agree with you totally.

Where did you read that? That fish comes from water that tops out around 70 degrees.
Kips right about the CB, its pretty much a gonner in your tank (most tanks) but then at the rate your going everything's a gonner.
Great thread BTW, shall we look for one just like it in a few months:D


you could try to feed the CuBand some frozen mysis... they are a more delicate food item. i have heard that used to make finicky eaters eat. good luck! the catalina will probably seem to do ok at first, but then succumb to the higher temps.... i think its usually around 68 degrees where they are native.