I think my chromis has Lymphocystis

I recently recieved a single green chromis and I have just noticed that there is a white blotch on his upper caudal fin. The upper part also looks like it's been slighty damaged from another fish. I wasn't aware of either the disease or the damage when I got him. Unfortunately I cannot provide pictures but I'm almost 100% sure it isn't ick. What can I do to help him? Also on garlic, do I have to buy the bottled garlic from the store or will the juice from squeezed, raw garlic work? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
If it is lymph, it will clear up on it's own in time, with good water, good diet and low stress. I'd simply keep an eye on it for awhile.


Active Member
My Angel has Lymphocystis right now as well. You should use raw garlic is better the Lymphocystis hasn't gone away yet it will take sometime.


It does take some time. Boost the fish's immune system with fresh garlic and a rotation of Vitachem and Zoecon. Keep the water parameters pristine. Chromis eat anything, but offer a nice frozen blend food. I feed my fish Marine Supreme by Pro Salt.