I think my cycle is done. Is it safe to add some critters?

harvey floyd

New Member
Here are my test results:
Ammonia, 0 - 0.25
PH, 8.0 - 8.2
Nitrite, 0.1 - 0.2
Mitrate, High range - 25
Low Range - 5.0
We have about 15 pounds of live rock, arogonite bottom covering, and one turbo snail. We'd like to add some shrimp and a crab today to get the clean up going. Maybe even a few more snails. Will they live?


if you have nitrite left, your tank is not done cycling, but peppermint shrimps, cleaner shirmps, quite hardy, so they will probably live. By the way, i heard many people talk about turbo snails getting drowned when they get fliped, so, u might want to consider other snails, i have 6 maxican grazer, 2 peppermints shrimps, 2 cleaner shrimps, and 6 hermint crab, they all live through the cycling.


You still have a trace of ammonia which is not good. Wait until your reading is completely zero then add your friends!


Active Member
I agree, with nitrites and ammonia your cycle isn't finished yet. I am in the same boat with my new reef. You will be better off waiting a little bit longer. If there is one thing I have learned it is the slower you go the less problems you will have in the future.
if you have any doubts on your readings a second test kit never hurts... i went through the same thing and still getting different reading from different test kits. but if you double tested and your readings are the same, you are not done cycling yet, soon though...