I think my lion fish is dying.


New Member
My tank has been set up for about 5 weeks but it finished cycling about 2 weeks ago. My wife bought a red dwarf lion Sunday and it looked very healthy and when we finally got him in our tank which is 39 gallon with 20 lbs of LR and two damsels that have been in there the whole cycle, he moved around pretty good for awhile then finally settled in on a rock and sat and he has moved around from place to place but not really swimming all that much but I have read that that is pretty much normal. Tonight I got home from work and was checking him out and he started to float down to the bottom of the tank upside down and kind of just bounced around and he has all his fins open , color looks good, and I can't see any apparent signs of anything on him or wrong with him other than maybe breathing a little fast. I took the net and kind of helped him onto a rock and now he is just sitting again. Any suggestions would be really helpful and appreciated. By the way all levels are 0 and have been for 2 weeks (been checking).


Active Member
hmmm BigMac
Don't think you'd find many people who will run an empty tank for a few months after it has apparently cycled.


Active Member
I'm far from an expert but this is a no brainer.
What does that mean?
These tanks are still NEW, people should let them mature for at least 3-4 months before adding any critters. Snails and crabs are OK...fish and corals will be stressed.....
What do you class as a critter?


New Member
Thanks for all the advice. I understand what you mean about the tank needing to mature but it seems like he died from something else. From the time he started acting funny till the time he died was probably less than an hour. I had been watching him alot since he was brand new and very cool looking and hadn't noticed anything visable that was wrong no swollen gills, no spots, no discoloration, ect. Also all the levels were god SG 1.0225 , PH about 8.3, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, and Nitrates 0. I also have a hermit crab, 2 damsels, and a lot of live on my LR including 1 snail, polyps, worms, and some kind of yellow coral(or sponge) coming back to life, and I also seen a litle star fish( I think a brittle starfish). Also lots of coraline algea, seaweed starting to grow from the gravel, 2 little featherdusters, and some kind of other stuff that kind of look like little tree branches growing on my LR. I thought with all that life that I was on the right track. Maybe better luck next time(with the fish). Thanks for all the help!


It could have just been the lionfish. If it was a Fu Manchu, it probably didn't fare well during shipping. They rarely do. I really would wait a bit on fish. I know it's not a lot of fun, but when adding new fish to a new tank, you come up with a lot of casualties.
I also don't feel that lionfish are good "first" fish for a new tank. They're a strain on the bioload of most tanks, even established ones, because of what they eat, how much of it they eat and how often. (I'm not "getting onto you" about it, I'm just saying if I were you, I'd wait a while if you want to get another one)


Staff member
I let me reef tank run for 4 mos before putting a fish in there. It was worth the wait! However, I know most people will not wait that long, and I'm not saying you have to wait that long either.
However, putting a lion in a new tank, and such a small tank, was probably not the best thing to do. If that lion was feeling better, he probably would have eaten your damsels by now.


Active Member
I didn't realise fish were classed as critters. I thought they were just clean up crew etc


I know it's crappy to watch a fishless tank, but when mine cycled I waited 90 days before adding fish. I have ever had ich (knock on wood) and have never had fish get sick and die. I'm not sure this is the reason or not, but it might help.


I let my tank go for 4 months with only LR and LS. and 4 Damsels.. It is pretty boring to watch that way but its worth it.. The money you spend on Saltwater fish are far to expensive and way to pretty to let them die becuase you don't wait.. Its all a waiting game but well worth it....:p