I think my peppermint shrimp ate my cleaner shrimp


I had two cleaner shrimp and suddenly one dissapeared. I thought no big deal, he is just molting. Well, about 3 weeks later no sign of him. I saw a peppermint shrimp and the bottom of my tank where my shrimp went last to molt(I think). Well I noticed a crumpled body and I thought it was just a molt sitting next to the peppermint shrimp.
That being said my other shrimp suddenly disspapeared and I noticed some of its body on the filter. Also my peppermint was in the same spot he was in last time, looking suspicous and everything.
What do you guys think?


I don't know much about shrimp -- Is your pepperment MUCH larger than the missing shrimp? Is it aggressive? Mine are friendly little buggers that hide behind the rocks unless I feed or turn out the lights. My guess is that the cleaner shrimp died of something else and the pepperment was cleaning up. Don't know though.


be carefull on how many of the peppermint shrimp you have. i have a few too many and now i am trying to catch them out of my tank. They have munched a clam (maxima) a few flame scallops, a tube anenome (found the back end just chewed right off) and a few mushrooms, they are great in small numbers but be careful when you may have too many of them