I think my tank is cycled.


New Member
My tank has been running for two weeks and my ammonia has never raised beyond .25.I have 85p of cured live rock in the tank since day one.my ammonia level today is at 0.Is it possible that my tank is cycled?
My understanding is that the cycle takes 4-6 weeks.hmmm.


Active Member
there's no set time for cycling. if your ammonia went up and then down, it very well could be cycled. the biggest question is, what's in your tank right now? if you have a lot of sand and rock, you may be good to go. if you have an empty tank other than a piece of shrimp, you may see another ammonia spike when you start to add stuff like rock, sand, and fish.


Active Member
it's probably cycled. I still wouldn't recommend adding fish for another 2 or 3 weeks though. get some cleaner crew over the next few weeks and give the tank more time to get established.


You will probably go therough another 'mini' cycle when you add fish. I would add fish slowly. Probably start with one and then wait a few weeks. Good luck!


New Member
Congrats it sounds like it is cycled. I am not sure because I am new to this too but my tank is in the same stage! At the LFS the said I would be able to add a cleaner crew and also to help the cycling they recomended to add some Green Chromis! So I have had a small cleaner crew and 4 green chromis and so far so good but it has only been two days! Anyway I was told my tank might not be fully cycled but these things will help, plus if the green chromis die at least I didnt spend a lot of money!


Go buckeyes! Green chromis are a very shy and weak fish in my experience. Unless they are kept with very docile fish, they are going to get torn up. I would take them back to your LFS when your tank is cycled. Besides, how many fish are you planning on keeping? I have two firefish and a rusty angel in my 55g.


New Member
Sorry I live in Ohio, not really excited about sharing it either. I think its just because I live in Dayton! Most of the people from other parts of Ohio I love but not the ones from here! Anyway Im from Illinois and a HUGE Illini fan! Stupid Tar Heals!!!!!