I think we're losing...


Been battling red slime for a few weeks now and I think we're losing. Already cut back on feeding and light time, removed as much as I could by hand, did water changes, etc and so forth.
My first question is how much light depravation can I get away with? My biggest concern is the BTAs we have. All corals seem to be fine with the exception of some xenia. The xenia were doing awesome, splitting and branching, then all of a sudden they started melting away. Still have one stalk left, but I fear for its well being. Back to the real prob., red slime. Anyone have advice? Could it be that I need to change bulbs? Will provide any info needed to help. I know there are many threads about this problem, but I feel like I've tried all the methods mentioned and it doesnt seem to be working for us. Going to do some tests right now for up to date readings. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.


I had the same problem talked with my LFS and they told me to try Ultra life reef products red slime remover,, it worked for me then I cut back on the lights and also the feedings I am also doing little water changes every week so far so good :D .... I have a few soft corals an they are doing great after treating the tank ... Hope everything works out for you let us know :)


Active Member
i wouldnt use red slime remover if i were you. that will mess with oxygen levels in your tank like there is no tomorow.i used "algone" and it was like a gift from wonderland. in six weeks my used red slime problem vanished. its amazing!!!!!!


Active Member
Try adding more circulation. That was the final element I needed to rid my previous tank of a large case of red slime.


Thanks all. I used Red Slime Remover once and it definitely takes care of the slime, but it caused so much stress in the tank we lost 2 percs, a flame and a Naso. It apparently dropped the pH and eventually had an ich breakout, possibly brooklynella. Happened within days, pH was something I didnt test for every day so by the time I found the prob it was too late. I was pretty new then so there were probably other factors, like overstocking, involved in the crash, but I believe the Remover started it all. Didnt read the fine print on the box. Anyway, cut back lighting 1 more hour. Any thoughts on where to add more flow? Right now we have 2 Maxi-Jet 600 on either side more or less angled toward the front, a Penguin 330 left/center, a Fluval 304 right/center aimed at a slight angle toward the front and a Prizm skimmer on the far right. Heres a pic, hope it helps.


Robchuck, The circulation is very important. Where ever there is not good movement in our tank , there is red slime and hair algea. On the back especially. My corals and other life do not seem to mind the stuff however. All are flourishing. I peel the red off, and scrape the other. Have not been able to get trochus snails however. They would help but LFS can't get them and I do not have 75.00 at the time to order them. Just have to use elbow grease and try to find the Steve Weist , or , or Weiss,# from a siteI'd come upon.