I used tap water! Now What?


Hi everybody!
I have been reading a lot on here about not using tap water for your begining tank. I live up in the mountains and we use well water for drinking. It is crystal clear mountain water. Here is my tank specs:
45 - gallon bow front
I added the salt already and my salinity is currently 1.024.
I have not added live sand as of yet or live rocks. I'm taking it slow. Do you guys suggest starting over with RO water?


Active Member
nah, your fine. just use RO or RODI water for the rest of you top offs and water changes and youll be fine.


Active Member
if your well is high in Iron you may have a little algae bloom but that happens on most tank start ups anyhow. just switch to RO if you can, if not you need to get a water conditioner that detoxifys heavy metals. honestly I ran on well water my first two years in this hobby and city water for several years after that. I only recently purchased an Ro unit and was not plauged with the problems that can be associated with tap and well water, but that was pure luck. I will never Use tap again, not after seeing how fast my mixed bed resin goes from blue/green to black.


if you use RO/DI water from now on you'll be fine... in time the phosphates will be used up and read zero on any tests. If you want an immediate fix you could switch to RO/DI and add a phosphate remover like phose-lock.