I used to work at a pet store


When I was very young.. around 16 years old. I am 28 now.
Anyhow , I remember I had a small salt water setup and brought home an anenome one day who proceded to eat one of my fish after a week or so at which point I returned it.
Anyway , I was feeding it bits of raw chicken while I had it and after returning it to the pet store the fish guy couldn't believe how healthy it looked compared to the others in the tank. It was much more vibrant in color.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KidWicked
Anyway , I was feeding it bits of raw chicken while I had it and after returning it to the pet store the fish guy couldn't believe how healthy it looked compared to the others in the tank. It was much more vibrant in color.

Couple of things could also have varied:
1) your lighting versus the store lighting
2) simply feeding the animal is more than what many knew to do at the time
3) water parameters may have been better in your system
Coloration in anemones can be very relative from tank to tank so it is often difficult to draw conclusions. In general, I would recommend good lighting, excellent parameters, and a "natural" diet...I am sure it enjoyed the fish