I WANNA BE A SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!


I have been checking out this sight a whole lot and would like to become a shark.... I have answered many questions and think I helped many people out.... So lets here if you fish people agree with me!!!!!!!!! write and leave comments............THANKS FOR YOUR SAPPORT
(p.s. my spelling is not that great)


Yea, and Krazydart is a great guy...
He's answered so many questions he should run for president of Radioshack....
What a brilliant mind we have there too, why, I bet we have got one of the smartest people in the world here...I tell you what Krazydart is my hero....
If you doubt any of this just ask Krazydart..
he'll tell you how wonderful he is

*could not help it...Be a Shark...Good luck


I've never even seen a post for tne rock since I've been here. As far as the topic goes, I think we need an expanded labeling system with more titles, you know, give us jumbos something to work for.


Staff member
I think "the Rock" is hidding under a rock, and I think Dart is a female not a male, right?
Also, I think Kris announced not too long ago, as soon as he attained his Shark promotion, that he was leaving and wouldn't be around much!
Anyway, why would you guys need any more Sharks when you have me and REEF!

[What about a "JAWS" status, or, since the octapus is coined as the smartest creature in the ocean now, maybe an OCTAPUS would be appropriate....Shamu? Flipper?] jk guys and gals

mr . salty

Active Member
Beth, I apreciate having you around. I would even pay for you. UMM, by the way,you are a girl arent you????????? STEVE


Staff member
Why thank you, Salt! Pay for me??!!! Wow, oh my....I'm speechless! Well, almost speechless

[Yep, female]