I want a cool Nano or bio


someone tell me what is better..i want a 14 gallon a few corals an anemone and some clowns, getting a new tank with my tax return hehehehe


Active Member
Bio cube!! check out the nano tuners website. The sunpod metal halide would be great. It is 150 watts for $250


I like my aquapod, its only a 12g. If I had bought it myself (christmas present) I would have gone with the 24g. true you have to guy twice as much lr (and at $7 an lb it can get expensive) but the tank is only 50 bucks more ($150 for the 12g and $200 for the 24g) it would be an extra $250 for the lights you want but Id say just get a torch coral instead. they look just like an anemone, they dont move and you dont need the special lighting. hammer corals sometimes give the same effect. theres lots of different options, even more if you go with the 24g.


yeah im willing to spend like 250 275 on the tank i got everything already in crap acrylic tank excpect something that will host my clowns I just want something that doesnt look so sloppy


your tank is amazing what kind of lights do you have on yours? are they stock or upgraded? and howd you do them?


Active Member
thanks, I was going to buy a sunpod metal halide next week, but it isn't going to be a good idea, as my cat likes to jump on top of the hood. As of now I have stock lighting, but I am going to mod my hood and add another PC. I will have a total of 72 watts. Since you want an anemone you will need to get metal halides and those alone not including the tank are $250... who knows I may change my mind next week and get a metal halide! lol I really want a rose bubble tip anemone and a sand bed full of clams!... I wish I wasn't so indecisive!


Yeah I couldn't find that tank on nano tuners, can you email me the link or put it up here if were allowed.....smbL7@aol.com, the thing I'm worried about is paying just as much for shipping for the tank


thats what i thought...thanks, i think im going to say forget the anemone and just get some corals and hope my clowns will host them


Active Member
in that case stock lighting is fine. Frogspawn would be a great coral to buy... My percs love to host it.


now when i transfer everything to my new tank can i use the live sand i already have or should i get some new sand?


Active Member
when I moved everything from my 12 gallon into my 14 I used the same sand, but you have to be very careful not to stir it up to much, so that your tank doesn't go in to a mini cycle.... you are using water from another tank of yours? I added the old water, live rock and sand from my first tank, so that my tank would already be cycled.