I want a lion!!


I just set up a fish only that 20 gal.long with 40 lbs of LS and 20 lbs of LR. 2 rio powerheads and a sea clone PS. would this set up work out for a lion? it would break my heart to put one in and have it unhappy.


It would MAYBE for a Dwarf lion, but thats it. A voilitan would outgrow it really quick, sorry, I know thats not what you wanted too hear.


Thanks Dave. I just did a search online for these and I think they fit the ticket. Now I start the quest to find one..Any ideas?

b volitans

The Zebra Lions are pretty neat...that's my vote! <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />


Active Member
I wouldn't do a lion, of any species, in a 20gal tank. IMO, dwarfs need a 35gal minimum to be comfortable. Lions, being aggressive fish, will still disrupt the water quality of the tank (although not as badly as other aggressive species.) You really can't do any aggressives in a 20gal, they just need more space. Bo