I Want A Mantis


ok i really want a mantis so i wanted to discus what my tank would be like
I think i want a smasher just because their more active
I dont just wanna see the head i want to see the whole thing moving around doing its thing
I will either buy a nana cube but i am more inclined to use my 10 gallon or if i can talk my mom into it take the 29 gallon
do I really need that much filteration is my question.
I have an 8 watt turbo twist UV and a marinland canister filter
any opinions/comments

reef diver

Active Member
Good decision on the nmasher, but consider this, they can smash through glass, so choose a smaller variety, not a peacock thats an instant recipe for a bashed tank, and water everywhere. It may be advisable to choose soemthing acrylic. Also the species fearured as my avatar is a good specias.


i know about the glass but i was told as long as I give them a deep sandbed and keep them well fed theirs no reason for them to break it


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
i thought about that
i was thinking about putting a piece of pvc piping over the heater for protection
if your going to do that make sure there is plenty of water flow threw the pipe so that it does warm your tank. And a large enough space so that alot of water does come in contact with the heater as well..


Active Member
or get a visitherm stealth heater that is plastic cased. I am in the process of building a small acrylic tank just for a mantis and that will be what I use.


if i have a deep enough sand bed will i be guarentteed not to have the mantis smack the bottem or should i still put in a piece of plexy glass down


I am going to put plexy glass in my 29 gallon tommorrow
how much should i put in
1/2 in (2 sheets of 1/4)
or 1/4


Active Member
1/4 should be fine. As long as he doesn't smack the sides you will be ok...LOL
I am building my tank out of 3/8 acrylic all the way around.


THATS not funny
my mom is kinda pissed that I set up the 29 in my room upstairs oops
but as long as she dosnt see salt i think she will be cool