I want a pair of Clownfish!

Okay... I have a 1o gallon aquarium, and want to know if there are any "different" types of clowns (other than "normal" clowns like percula and ocellaris clowns) that would be suitable for that size aquarium.
If it matters... I have:
10 gallon sump/refugium
prizm skimmer
small mechanical filter (for carbon)
24 Lbs live rock
10 lbs live sand
Aquarium is fully cycled! <without use of damsels>
I wanted either cinnamon or tomato clowns, but I am pretty sure they get too large for the capacity of a 10 gallon...
Thanks! - "Spanish Dancer" :thinking:

salt phish

possibly skunk clowns
I had a small pair in a 10 once but sold after becoming a breeding pair wich is tuff to do....good luck


Originally Posted by peter1215
how about some clarkiis?
i would stick to pers but if you don't want those, don't get them.
I would get:
1 Scoorter blenny
1 firefish
1 Yellowtail damsel