I want an anenome for my clowns! please help.


hello..I have a 29 gal...I want to get an anenome for my clowns?..any suggestions?..My tank has been set up for long time..just recently started with soft corals..They are doing great! I have ALOT of live rock! I want an anenome that is SAFE..any suggestions will be appreciated.


Tell me all about your lights first, then I'll make a suggestion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by addicted2
I have a coralife compact light..135watt..I have a 29 gal tank.
Your lights are fine IMO, but remember that not all clowns will host. It is harder it seems for a tank raised clown to get the idea. Some ppl may disagree, but thats my findings.


Its hard to tell you what will happen. I consider that 135 watts of light is really low for any anemone.
About the only one I would even consider is the atlantic condylactis anemone. And that is a really a poor mans anemone, and not a normal host for clownfish. Next of the lower light anemones is the E. Quad or bubble tip anemone, but I would suggest having more lights if you are going to get one of those. I almost lost one with only 80 watts of lights. It wasn't until I put 360 watts of lights on my tank, that it came alive.
Remember that these are photosynthetic animals and they must have proper light to survive.
My suggestion is not to get one until you have upgraded lighting.


Active Member
Well one thing you might want to get is an new light if you want to get some anemonies. I have a 29 gallon and i have 300 watts on it and my BTA is doing very good. Although i had a scare last night with him. But like thomas said that they need light so you might want to see about getting more light. I have a VHO ice cap system on mine and that works well. If you are wanting a bigger tank down the road you might want to get a MH or a VHO ice cap. IMO thats what i would do and wait to get one. I know its hard but you can look at other corals becasue you clowns might not take to an anemone. You can look at maybe a frgospawn, hammer. Maybe some one will have some more help on that. BUt good luck.


well, I have to say those are not the answers I wanted to hear...but I am planning a much larger tank at xmas time ..so maybe then. The light will be much bigger then. Right now my corals are doing good. i was told you needed 3-4 watts per gallon..so that is what I went by...*sigh*


Active Member
if u get the right lighting mt opinion is that u should get a lt anenome my wild pair hosted them on there 3day :joy: