i want another fish


can you guys tell me what would go well with what i have right now
12g nano
20lbs sand
12lbs live rock
1 6 line wrasse
1 cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab
7 snails
6 hermits
and some assorted coral
i kinda like some sort of blenny. the ones i've seen at ***** like to perch on the rocks and plants. i just think it looks cool. would a certain type be better than others. or would a different fish be best?


Active Member
Just research what each kind of blenny eats what. Like if you get a scooter blenny it might not do that well as it eats copepods and your tank is still fairly new. Blennies are awesome I like them alot too!


Active Member
I like both the bi-color blenny, and the flame tail. though they like a little hiddy hole to back into.
what about a clown gobie.


well i actually went and got a lawnmower blenny. i got i'm because of what i read about him eating hair algae. i never seem to have a problem with it except when i add anything new from the lfs (doesn't matter which one). and no one else suggested anything for me to read up on


Active Member
A lawnmower blenny will get too big for that tank.... Not to mention he will eat the algae and you will have to put algae sheets in the tank. I would see if they will exchange him for something else. I would think more about maybe an orange banded goby with a shrimp to pair with or maybe a bi-color blenny.


another shrimp? is there something wrong with having to put in algae sheets in the tank? it says the same size on all the blennies i looked at.

30-xtra high

Active Member
a 12 is way to small for a sixline, i'm not gunna sit here and yell, but just lettin you know, it'll stunt it's growth unhealthily, but i'd suggest a firefish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dempseyjosh
well the six line is pretty small why does it need such a big tank?
After a while it will get quite big, and require swimming room as well. Just make sure he doesnt get very cramped in there. Once he reaches a too large of a size, maybe your LFS will take him for a store credit and you can get something smaller again.


Active Member
I had a LMB in my 10 gal and that lasted all about 2 weeks. He ate everything off just beautifully and then would not eat any type of algae sheets, pellets etc I offered him. He started to get skinny and before he got to the point of being to bad I returned him and my LFS took him home to her 92 gal tank. So don't get one of these, they are very darling but need a much bigger tank.
Bicolor blenny is cute, I have had 2 of these guys neither with very much luck. One just got really big and fat and died and the other one my baby lionfish I am sure had for dinner at the time.
I can honestly say that the two I had for some reason I found to be quite aggressive towards other fish. But this was just my experience. Both these were in a 25 gal tank.


well i already went and got the blenny monday night. so it's been a few days. he did look much smaller in the store, but thats because he was in a bigger tank. as far as i can tell he is doing fine so far.


Active Member
Your tank will not be able to sustain his diet needs for long. If you cannot get it to eat the algae sheets be prepared to trade him in for another kind of blenny as he will just starve to death.


well i'm gonna put a sheet in there tonight and see how it goes. do all blennys perch on the rock? that is mainly why i got this guy. are there any other suggestions for another type of fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dempseyjosh
well i'm gonna put a sheet in there tonight and see how it goes. do all blennys perch on the rock? that is mainly why i got this guy. are there any other suggestions for another type of fish?
Most of them do perch on the rocks, the blennies and gobies are so fun to watch with their funny ways. I just find them not very hardy to keep, I don't know why but that is just me.
Are you wanting to add another fish with the blenny and wrasse you already have??


nope, i am pretty much stocked how i want to be. the shrimp is cool to watch and feed. the wrasse is always swimming, and i like watching the blenny