I want some new fish! I need suggestions!


Hi, I have a 48 gallon bowfront tank. It currently has a Cleaner shrimp, a percula clown and an unidentified damsel (black with a yellow tail). The damsel is very agressive (he almost killed my percula clown when I added it. I had to put the damsel in my sump for a week)
I also plan on buying a reef package (snails, hermits, a brittle star, and 2 emerald crabs)
I'm wondering what some good fish would be to add in the $20-$50 price range.
I was thinking an angelfish or possibly a mandarin dragonet (worried about keeping copepods at feeding levels in a 48 gallon tank)
What fish would be good for my tank? I have no coral and don't plan on getting any. My substrate is half sand/shell.


I don't know what you could keep that would defend itself against a damsel and also not bother your cleaner shrimp/crabs/snails. I think you'll have more options if you lose the damsel.
If you're going to get a mandarin, don't do it for quite a while. Even if you have tons of live rock now, hold off until more pods can grow. A dwarf angel would be nice!


Active Member
Yeah, I would get rid of the damsel. Firefish are cool. I just got 2 and they are really cool and hang out more in the lower part of the tank so they would balance the clown nicely. A coral beauty or flame angel would also work nicely.


Firefish are awesome. Get a pair of the purple ones with a flame angel, or a pair of red ones with a coral beauty angel. It would be beautiful!

30-xtra high

Active Member
pair of firefish (only if you get rid of the damsil)
coral beauty ( not a flame, your clown gives your tank enough red/orange, you need blueL
royal gramma(to put some purple and yellow in there.)


I got rid of my damsel, and am buying an invertebrate pack soon.
I have a few questions.
What fish would be nice in a 46 gallon tank with a false perc and some invertebrates (snails, crabs, brittle star, and 1 shrimp)?
I want to be CERTAIN that my cleaner shrimp won't be harassed. My shrimp is the most entertaining organism in my tank :)
I would really like to have a small school of some fish, either 2 or 3 of the same kind along with one larger, colorful, single fish (maybe an angel of some sort? Are there angels that won't bother shrimp?)
Any suggestions?
I was thinking a Coral Beauty Angel and 2 or 3 firefish
Do firefish require sandy substrate? My substrate is crushed shell/sand mix.


Maybe a coule fire fish with a cardinal fish or 2
A sixline wrasse or flasher/ fairy wrasses are also options.
Also a dwarf angel


I think i'm going to get 2 or 3 firefish and either a coral beauty angel or a six line wrasse (i'd rather have the wrasse, but i guess it depends on availability)


Active Member
Originally Posted by smith6ar
I think i'm going to get 2 or 3 firefish and either a coral beauty angel or a six line wrasse (i'd rather have the wrasse, but i guess it depends on availability)
If you get 2 firefish, you could probably get both the wrasse and angel.


In my 46 I have, a false perc, royal gramma, bartlett anthias, green chromis, and a cleaner shrimp. They all hang out together and all get cleaned by the shrimp. I'm really happy with this selection.