I want this. I need this. Please let this work.


I just upgraded to a 125 Gallon. I already have my Dogface Puffer and my V. Lion in there, but I wanted to add:
Dragon Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Snowflake Eel
Small Clown Trigger
I know that the V.Lion and the Clown might not work, but I had this mix before and it was just fine. Plus the V.Lion and the Dogface have been together for a year now and they are just fine, no problems. Would this work?


I don't think the clown trigger and lion would work, sorry.


Active Member
Bad idea....Lions don't really belong in "aggressive set-ups". They do well with big Tangs, other Lions, and other big/"not nippy" fish.... Big Wrasses, big Puffers, most Triggers and big Angels are nippers and aggressors that just can't resist the slow moving Lionfish in most cases.
"Small" Clown Trigger doesn't stay small for long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
I've had a V. lion with a Clown trigger with no problems
Everyone has done everything in this hobby, at least short-term. IMO, the dogface and volitan is a real potential problem, tossing a CT into the mix is hard to imagine. If you're looking for someone to say it will work, you'll probably find someone. I think a Volitan and a Clown Trigger is the worst possible combination I can think of; but I have a feeling you're going to do it, regardless of the info you get here. BTW; how long did it work last time?


Active Member
You're just asking for trouble with the trigger and lion together. I had a 3 inch Humu Humu tear apart a 10 inch V. Lion, and the clowns are more aggressive than the Humu


Actually I think I am going to give away my lionfish. I might keep it until I add the clown trigger. which is gonna be the last fish I add. I had my puffer fish for two years and I love it so much. I cant see myself giving my puffer fish up at all. my stocklist is going to be:
Dogface Puffer
Snowflake Eel
Desjardini Sailfin or Powder Blue Tang
Dragon Wrasse
Clown Trigger
Can anyone suggest another eel that will be compatible with these fish besides a snowflake eel? and what do you guys think is better, a PBT or the Desjardini?


Honestly, I know that nobody mentioned it, but I think putting a CT with the dogface puffer is asking for trouble and you might end up with a dead puffer. I say this because I've had agressive triggers with a dogface and the problem is, they both compete for the same food, especially if you feed krill, squid, raw shrimp, clam, etc. They'll both go for the same piece and the CT will sooner or later get really fed up with that and take it out on the puffer. The puffer is a slow fish and might not be able to defend itself very good. I'm just saying this because you said you love your puffer.
You should consider another type of trigger instead of the CT. Something less agressive like a Sargassum Trigger, Blue Throat, Pink Tail, heck even a Niger.


I had a CT and a Puffer before and they were okay together. I also had a Undulated Trigger and a Puffer together and that was absolutely horrible. I was gonna get the clown trigger really small so that should help alot i think. But can you put two puffer fish together in the same tank?

el guapo

Active Member
I really don't understand why people get so hung up on having clown triggers in the mix. The odds are very high that it will attack and kill other fish. That is just enough for me to not mix the combo. I mean some people will gamble and have what the consider to be success. But the fact of it is that every day that passes the fuse just gets a little shorter. When you can repeat the combo of clown trigger and lions/puffers/other fish multiple times for the natural life span of the fish then you can claim Success . Until then your just beating the odds for the moment and just like card counting in Vegas you will get caught when you least expect it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by splenda21
Actually I think I am going to give away my lionfish. I might keep it until I add the clown trigger. which is gonna be the last fish I add. I had my puffer fish for two years and I love it so much. I cant see myself giving my puffer fish up at all. my stocklist is going to be:
Dogface Puffer
Snowflake Eel
Desjardini Sailfin or Powder Blue Tang
Dragon Wrasse
Clown Trigger
Can anyone suggest another eel that will be compatible with these fish besides a snowflake eel? and what do you guys think is better, a PBT or the Desjardini?
I have both the SF eel and a Zebra. The SF is out much more tho. My zebra only comes out at feeding time.
I love the desjardini..


Oh great. I was thinking about getting another eel instead of the clown trigger because I really dont want to get something thats going to harass every fish that I want to get. It was between another eel or another puffer fish (porcupine), but I dont know if 2 puffer fish can be kept in the same tank. The zebra eel and snowflake get along though right? what size is your tank. What other fish do you have?


Active Member
I don't want to take over your thread, but here's a link to my tank (180gal):
I had bit of a catastrophy a while ago, but I'm getting my stock back up myself now.
Regarding the eels, they get along just fine. I got the Zebra at about 2 feet long. It is now about 3' and much more fat. The SF eel was about 8" initially and now is about 2 ft. They get along just fine. I've never heard of a Zebra biting anything in anyone's tank. They are soo docile. The snowflake can be more aggressive, but has never done anything to my fish that I've seen.
My stock list now: the eels, a emp angel and queen angel, striped dogface puffer and PP Puffer (PPP is much smaller), yellow tang and plain clown fish. I'm likely going to add a Tusk, a sargassum... still working on my final list too.


Okay everybody, this is my official list. I already have the dogface puffer in my 125 right now.Im going to add:
Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Snowflake Eel
Dragon Wrasse
Stars and Stripes Puffer
Im not going to get all of them at the same time and overwhelm my DP, but I would like to add two at the same time if I could. Who should I put in first?


Stars and stripes puffers are big time nippers. Mine actually bit through a glass thermometer, then I did some research and this is something they do. So hide your cables from the powerheads in thin PVC pipes and if you have one of those inside the tank thermometers, move it in your sump. Otherwise they're really cool fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by splenda21
Okay everybody, this is my official list. I already have the dogface puffer in my 125 right now.Im going to add:
Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Snowflake Eel
Dragon Wrasse
Stars and Stripes Puffer
Im not going to get all of them at the same time and overwhelm my DP, but I would like to add two at the same time if I could. Who should I put in first?
You shouldn't have any probs with these together. I doubt any certain order would be better. But overall, the usual order is putting the smallest and least aggressive in first, so they can establish their territories first.


trust us lions and triggers dont mix. read the thread called banged up lion. they had a humu humu or niger with a lion who was picking on the lion. and you want to put a clown together with a lion. you may get lucky once but sooner or later it will run out.