I want to buy a maited pair but im scared.


well ive been thinking about raising clowns for about 2 years and my first attempt to get a pair failed because the female died in transit, and now ive found an pair of true percula's for sale for 80$. they are a MAITED pair so i would only have to wait untill they felt comfortible in my tank to start mateing again. I really want to do this but ive had a few problems with ICH before, my fish dont have it now but im sure its still in there. Is there any way to do this and be sucessfull???????????
ammonia 0
nitite 0
nitrate 30
ph 8.2
I have a yellow tang,3 green chromises, and alot of corals


Active Member
Well first of all IMO, the "mated pair" thing is a bit of a scam with clownfish. If you buy 2 young tank bred ones, you'll have a pair, that's all there is to it. Secondly, having them mate is one thing, raising the babies is a whole other story. you probably won't be able to in a tank with anything but them. I think your just going to be food.


clownfish breed best when their the only ones in the tank, you will need good quality food with enriched shrimp, moonlighting, and a flat rock(cermatic tile works best) that doesn't have anything on it, a regular day and night cycle. after they spawn and you find the eggs take them to a 15-30 gallon aquarium with a filter that won't harm them such as under gravel doulbe your usual water changes in the larval tank, add a heater. The first 10 days are the hardest for raising the clown fish at day 10 they develop their stripes. you'll need plankton culture and rotifers to feed them for the first 3 days-3 weeks.

reef diver

Active Member
first of all, they wont mate with toxins in the water ie trates, mated mair means that when they were caught they were a pair, that has nothing do say as to wether theyll mate or not. I want a pair not for the mating, but because i love clowns and i think its cool, go into the archives and look at the breeding clownfish one, there will be two links, pic the one that was started by oceana.