I want to do some research on fish food


what is the best kind to use for fish???
I heard the soaking in garlic which sounds great. What is the best food to give fish like the yellow tang, clowns, hippo tang, a royal gramma and a pj cardinal.
They are not in my tank right now, but I want to know if the food I have been giving them is the best for them. I have been giving them formula one flakes and pellets.
What do you guys feed your fish??? I have a 55 gallon and will be adding my fish back after hyposalinity treatment. I want to get them off to a good start.


I want to know what you guys use and how they like it????
Most of the fish were eating the flakes, but it does not look like anyone eats the pellets.
any other types of food fare better for the fish???
Can I have brand names??? That would help me in looking at the store and comparing.
I use Biopure brine shrimp and San Francisco Bay Brand mysis shrimp. Occasonally i will mix the two and the fish love it, these are both frozen foods.


I feed my fishes with as much variety of food types as I can: frozen brine, mysis, pellets and flakes. They are happier that way and look great and hungry! :D
Tangs/Angels would need more greens in their diet so I have seaweed (one that is used to roll sushi and not seasoned with salt and pepper) from the asian grocery store, and spirulina-based pellets: the best ones to me are "Kent Platinum" Pellets for Herbivores and "Spectrum" Brand Pellets for Marine Fish.
Also, I add garlic (Kent Garlic), multi-vitamin Kent Zoe and Kent Zoecon (which help to treat/prevent HLLE) once every 3-5 days for their health supplements :)
I don't feed/use (at least not yet):
a) selcon (which is not available here unfortunately so I might order online one day..) and
b) freshly made DIY marine foods
And I'm still looking for other foods/good food brands for feeding variety :)