i want to get a clown...need advice


Active Member
before i get goin i want to say i dont want your typical true or false perc. i just got rid of my maroon clown and lta(made a sandstorm in my tank). i want a clown fish or two that arent your typical clown so i was curious about what you guys think
i dont want:
true/false percs
all else are game if anyone has had a pair or single clown of another species id love to know about them
sorry almost forgot i have a 55g w/ an eibli angel, hawaiian blue puff, starry blenny and a fairy wrasse.


Active Member
Yeah, I was going to say picassos too, there have been a couple threads lately with pics of people's picasso pairs. They're really cool looking. Check out either DeMartini or Maelv (sp?), they both have some.


Active Member
Im not a fan of Picasso's, but what about Onyx clowns. Or how about a black and white saddle back clown. They look like the B&W ocellaris but have yellow fins and a yellow face. I think they are really cool.


Active Member
I was also going to suggest a Saddle Back as I have one of my own if you check the threads for Saddle Back you will see my fish there.
I have also kept when I first started in this hobby a Tomato Clown, they are pretty neat I think.
Why don't you like the Skunk Clowns??


Active Member
well ive had the skunk clowns in my 12g when i first started out and they loved my anenomes to death.
i actually think the saddlebacks are really cool, thats why i bought my mom 2 of them for her tank. so i dont want the same ones as her lol.
i heard tomatos are mean? how was yours debbie?
i would love a picasso if anyone wants to send 50 bones my way to help pay for one lol.
feesable im looking at the b&w clown, and maybe the
saddle. ill have to look up the onyx clown


Active Member
Black saddles are cool, there's also the brown variant that's 'different' looking. I've always found the fire clownfish (the one with no stripes) awesome, but I never find them for sale when I'm shopping.
Oh, and Onyx are like picassos...$$$.


Active Member
Well like all clowns my Tomato was no different IMO. I think my Maroon was far more aggressive, but I only had the Tomato as a single fish so don't know what it would have been like in a pair.
They are pretty neat, something different. But I do like my black and white saddle back. I guess it all depends on what color you really want.


Active Member
wow those onyx are super sharp! i just googled them, it sent me to another forum where they said juvi's are 50 bucks. thats not terribly expensive since the picasso's are like 100.
maybe my lfs can grab one for me...perfect dark or gmann have you had the onyx before?


New Member
I have clarki and they are nice and inexpencive but I also like percula (i may have spelled that wrong) and i think the gold striped maroons are realy nice


Active Member
I always been happy with my Cinnamons. And after haveing them 6 years would not trade them for anything else.
So many species to choose from and any Clown will get territorial with age and size. Mine host a BTA and the FM is 4 inches but in a 150g with a community of larger semi-peacefull fish. I know they look simular to a Tomato but I dont think they get as mean and the colors is more red that orange with a wider head bar.



Active Member
They are so neat and yes they do look somewhat like the tomato. What is neat about them is their bodies are round looking unlike the perc, saddle back are more elongated.
Let us know what you end up with.... skipperdz.......


Active Member
those picassos are expensive alright, well my lfs couldnt get the onyx either which kinda sucked but there was a b&w occerl. that just had a tons of personality so i bought him.

also bought him a green bubble tip, and a grabbed a sea cucumber for cleanning my sand


Active Member
its a false
so it doesnt get fully black. pic doesnt do justice, hes an inch long and will get a bit darker but not pitch dark like the tru