I want to have more than 2 clownfish


New Member
:help: I would like to have more than 2 clownfish in my tank it is 55 gal. Does anyone have any sugestions. If it is possible what type of anemones would i also need to get for them. :help:


Active Member
If you go on the clown fish and anemone forum place there is a great post by thomas and it will give you alot on insite on clowns and anemones I hope that will help you out i know it helped me out.


Active Member
no on having more than two. AS for the anemone, read up and learn. You need very intense lighting and pristine water conditions for them.


Originally Posted by Griff151
If it is possible what type of anemones would i also need to get for them.
NEED, well you don't really need an anemone for the clownfish, they will live quite fine without one. But if you have enough lighting I might suggest one for you. So whats your lighting

new fishy

New Member
From what I've seen and read bubble anenomes seem to be a good match. My clowns took to them within minutes of being put into the tank.
I also have a white goby in with them and they seem to get along just fine there isn't any sign of aggressiveness.